Kristen walked into the living room and shot me a confused look.

"Ashton? Why are you in my house?" She questioned while petting a cat.

"To pick up Janie, we have a date," I explained.

"I don't approve," Kristen pet the cat while walking out of the room and up to her bedroom. Okay?

"I'm ready," Janie smiled skipping downstairs. She wore causal clothes. Skinny jeans and a band tee. It was causal but she still looked gorgeous. What am I saying? We aren't really dating I'm not supposed to think that. I think I'm tricking myself.

"You look beautiful," I smiled honestly. She was quite beautiful, you'd have to be dead to not notice.

"Thanks Ash," she blushed slightly walking to my side. "Kristen we are leaving!"

I took her hand in mine and smiled. We skipped outside like little kids and I opened the door to put her in the car. Was Luke really under her spell? Cause honestly I don't think she's that hard to fall for.

"So tell me about this girl you used to date," Janie said out if nowhere.


"The girl you used to date that you were so in love with. Tell me about her," Janie rephrased. I could hear the caution in her voice.

"Well, what so you want to know?"

"First off her name," she giggled, "and then anything and everything you could think of."

"Her name is, Blair, first off. And she's just, perfect, she's the most caring and understanding person. She was always so happy and such a sweet heart, and when she was sad I loved the feeling that I could make her happy again. She was learning guitar, and I had to teach her. She was a bit shocked cause I'm a drummer, but I knew guitar first which is what a lot of people don't realise," I was going a little off topic just thinking of how happy things were with her. "I remember how talkative I was, and she was too. But the best thing about us both talking so much, is how she listened to my every word no matter how she felt, no matter what I was saying, she would listen every word I spoke. And I'd do the same for her. She understood my like no one ever has."

"Ashton you don't have to continue," Janie sounded concerned. I didn't really understand why until she wiped the tear off my cheek. Apparently I started crying?

"She was the greatest girl I've ever been with," I said as my last comment on the subject.

"Ashton, it annoys me that she left you," Janie blurted out. She seemed a bit surprised she said it herself. "She didn't TRY to fight to be with you??"

"We both did!! The hate and the pressure just got to us both so it ended."

"I'm sorry ash," she sighed as we pulled out of the driveway.

"It's fine hun," I shook my head. "I'm over it... Somewhat."

"Okay," she nodded biting her lip.

"So when was you last relationship?" I started a new conversation.

"Uhmmm... Kindergarden," Janie smirked embarrassed.

"Really?" I drove in shock. "No guy has wanted to date you? Or do you just reject everyone?"

"Nope, no guy had ever looked at me," she sighed.

"They're probably scared to talk to you," I suggested.

"Oh they all would talk to me they just all bullied me."

"You're kidding!!" I nearly yelled.

"Nope, that's why I wanted Luke to like me so badly! I really like Luke and I couldn't take the thought that he could hate me as well," Janie shrugged. Now I feel bad.

"Janie, Luke has a girlfriend," I mumbled, I could barley hear myself.

"What? I can't understand mumbling," Janie asked.

"I'll tell you later!" I panicked. We pulled into the movie theatre parking lot.


Janie and I were cuddling comfortably watching the movie. Every sad part I'd wipe the tears off her cheeks and then peck her cheek. I felt like her real boyfriend. It was nice actually.

She reminded me a bit of Blair. Except Janie dressed a little punk, she was a light brunette and had a bit more sass while Blair was more flannel, had blonde hair, and found it hard to be rude at all to someone. But in the sweetness, sensitive and cuddly aspect, they're the same.

"POOR MIA!!" The guy In front of us sobbed the girl next to him patting his back. I recognised that sob.

"Michael?" I bent down by his head.

"Ashton?!! What are you doing here?!" Mike panicked.

"On a date with Janie, you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"On a date," Michael chuckled, "This is Jay, we've been dating for about two months."

"Hi," the girl next to him waved. She was really beautiful and had blonde hair, I'd assume was dyed like that but I could be wrong.

"Hey I'm Ash," I waved at Jay then looked back at Mike, "Why is everyone secretly dating??" I chuckled then got shushed by some movie watchers.

"I wonder if Calum is single," Janie whispered to me.

"Why do you care?? You're dating me," I bit my lip. Why'd I get so jealous??

"I'm just wondering," she said then whispered in my ear "and we aren't actually dating."

Why do I keep forgetting that??

"I know it's called acting," I chuckled. Lie. I wasn't acting.


The movie ended and since Janie was already nearly sobbing I thought, might as well crack the news now.

"Janie, I have to tell you something really important," I gulped as I guided her outside.

"Yes Ash?" She stared at me.

"I... Uhm..." C'mon Ashton just rip the bandage off all at once, "Luke got a girlfriend and is over you," wow that didn't sound harsh.

"Oh." Janie's face dropped. It seemed as if I just said all the people she loves died. Her eyes showed pure heartbreak.

Janie stared at me for a minute before she leaned over and sobbed into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and started humming calmly.

"Shhh. It's okay hun, I'm here." Those words didn't seem to change anything.

"B-but... I-I... I love him..." Janie whispered into my shoulder.

"I know," I sighed, "Sometimes love hurts."



So Jashton is continuing.

But Luke has a girlfriend and get this SO DOES MIKE!

But Janie is taking the Luke thing roughly as seen.

Do you still ship

Lanie?? Or do you ship Jashton now??

Or stick with Blashton??

What do you think? Should Calum get a girl? I don't think he should, we need some single Pringles on this earth right?

Wanna ask any of the characters questions I'll be sure to ask for you. Ask

->HERE <-

Please comment and vote!!

I love you readers!!! I will do anything for you guys!! Love you all so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Sorry if the name changes in the story. I had to keep editing it cause the original name kept popping up. But Blair is her name okay?

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