Imperfect Angel

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The next few days went by like a whirlwind for the couple.

Stephanie had settled into both her new home and her new life in Houston quite comfortably.

Though she had been raised in extreme wealth, and didn't have to do much of anything as far as household maintenance was concerned, she quickly found herself doing things that were expected of the woman in a traditional household — cooking, cleaning, and doing the laundry — while also performing other basic and routine chores, as well.

And even though she wasn't a natural born Galloping Gourmet, Stephanie highly enjoyed learning the art of cooking.

She was also very impressed with how good of a cook Mark actually was, and although she was more than certain that her food probably tasted like dinner at the Folsom State Prison, Mark was always there to stand in as a taste tester, giving her pointers and tips along the way.

The only "small" problem that the two initially ran into within their first days as a married couple was the fact that Zeus, Mark's beloved Mastiff, and the established dog within the household, had a very big problem with April, their four-week-old new Golden Retriever puppy, that Mark had adopted for Stephanie from the Houston SPCA.

April's mother had been struck and killed on the interstate, and her newly born litter had been donated to the foundation, in the hopes of finding the six young pups a home.

Stephanie was especially happy about having her own pet, feeling that she could be April's new mommy, since her biological one wasn't here anymore.

Stephanie had chosen the name "April" because this month had quickly become very sentimental to her.

Not only had she gotten married in April, but Stephanie had also lost her virginity within that same month, as well, along with the fact that April had been the month that Mark had decided to gift Stephanie with her new fur-baby... something that Zeus definitely was not very happy about.

Although "Zeusy" initially took to Stephanie like a duck took to water, he obviously didn't think very much of April.

In fact, it was as if Zeus outright hated his new "baby sister." Whenever April was around, Zeus would bark at her constantly.

When Stephanie or Mark would pay their new baby more attention than him, like when Stephanie was feeding April, Zeus would resort to things like jumping up and down into the air or wildly spinning around in circles, just in order to take all of the attention for himself.

He at one point had to be scolded by Mark for pawing at April, he had resorted to knocking over the new pup's food and water bowls, not to mention the fact that Zeus had even taken up a very nasty habit of hiding April's new chew toys, as well.

So, no, their chubby Mastiff was not very happy about the newest addition to the family, and Zeus' crude behavior had literally landed him in the proverbial doghouse on more than one occasion.

Previously, Mark had warned Stephanie how he wasn't planning to limit himself during sex, that he wasn't going to withdraw when they made love, which was sometimes happening at least two or three different times in a single day.

But now, Mark was actually refraining from ejaculating inside of her.

The reason behind Mark's sudden change of heart was simple, as he had informed Stephanie that he only wanted to bring a new life into this world only when and if the two of them were both absolutely ready.

He didn't want to force anything onto her.

So until she found herself a new means for contraceptive, Mark would simply be adhering to the pull-out method from here on out, which honestly warmed Stephanie's heart.

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