Second Thoughts

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As the dust kicked up from behind the sedan barreling out of the driveway, Mark closed the door and walked back inside the family room. However, he immediately took notice of Stephanie's shaken disposition.

Even though she kept telling herself that this was all just a part of the act, that this was all just part of the ruse, Stephanie honestly didn't feel that it was. Mark's actions towards her just now felt entirely too real. Both her arm and her pride were deeply in pain.

Watching him seemingly revert back to his old self was simply too much for her to handle. It mentally sent her back to a place that she thought that she would never have to visit ever again. Sensing that she was legitimately scared, Mark gently grabbed Stephanie about the waist, attempting to comfort her, but she instantly began to cry at his touch.

Though his plan was in motion, Mark honestly didn't like seeing Stephanie like this. And something that he rarely felt — guilt — instantly made him feel like a sack of shit.

Caressing the top of her head, attempting to sooth her anguish, Mark looked over to Angel, who, with her legs crossed, shrugged nonchalantly. Obviously their plan to ruin Vince McMahon was in full-swing, however, with Stephanie being inconsolable, Mark actually began to mentally backtrack.

"Maybe this isn't for her..."

"Hey, come on. What's the matter, huh?" he asked softly, attempting to comfort her as much as possible. "It's over now, ok? They're gone, just like what we talked about, remember?"

However, Mark's words did very little to calm Stephanie, as her warm tears continuously rolled down her face. She tried telling herself that she was just being silly, especially since she was crying like this in front of a complete stranger like this, but Stephanie honestly couldn't help herself.

In those few moments, she truly felt like she was being preyed upon all over again.

"Mark, I know, but... I just.... I just feel terrible. Like, you were so mean to me. And I know I told you that I would think about it, but I didn't give you an answer. You went without me." As she sorrowfully buried her head into her husband's chest, Mark continued to rub up and down her back gently, hoping to make her come around.

She had to see things his way.

"Steph, baby, I know, but listen; I had no idea they were coming here today. They were supposed to have been here days ago, but they never showed up. How was I supposed to know that of all the days, they'd choose Sunday to make a meeting? You know that I'd never hurt your on purpose."

Realizing that Mark was in way over his head, Angel rolled her eyes in annoyance and walked over to the husband and wife duo, attempting to offer her client some much needed assistance. Angel honestly had places to be, and she didn't plan on staying on the outskirts of town the entire day, just because her client's wife couldn't control her emotions.

"Mrs. Calaway, I apologize for getting you involved in this entire situation," Angel started, attempting to sound as sincere as possible. "And I would also like to apologize for not properly informing Mr. Calaway that both Dean and Matthew would be arriving here on today. But, they did call on short notice, and since I did attend Mass this morning, I failed in properly making your husband aware of their imminent arrival, and for that, I sincerely apologize.

"I take full responsibility for this most traumatizing ordeal that you've had to experience on today."

Looking up from Mark's chest, Stephanie gazed back at Angel and eyed her warily. She didn't know this woman at all, but Stephanie honestly found it difficult to believe anything that she was saying. Her statement sounded very manufactured, and since was an attorney, Stephanie figured that Angel probably had this entire pre-rehearsed spiel waiting at the ready.

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