Legal Eagle

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As Ryan entered the room, the strong aroma coming off the tray suggested that she had food again.

Uncovering the tray, a smorgasbord of food was presented to Stephanie: waffles, eggs scrambled lightly, just how she liked them, toast, fresh ham, fruit, bagels, more food than Stephanie could possibly eat in three days, let alone a morning, was being offered to her.

Stephanie, utterly famished after the night that she had had, smelled over all the wonderful delights, but she looked up at Ryan, warily.

She still didn't trust Mark... or anyone else from the Ministry for that matter... but everything just smelled so good.

Plus, Mark hadn't poisoned her last time, so Stephanie sat down on the edge of the bed in anticipation for her meal.

Ryan left the bedroom quickly, returning this time with a rolling table, which also had a pitcher of fresh orange sitting on top of it, along with a fresh pitcher for water.

Sitting the tray down upon the table, which had a delicate white table cloth covering it, Stephanie dug in, while Ryan sat next to her in the chair near the desk in the room.

Steph, looking up, immediately apologized to Ryan for not offering her any of her food, but Ryan merely waved her off.

"She's must have already eaten," Stephanie thought to herself slowly.

After she had eaten her fill, probably too much to be perfectly honest, as her stomach felt as if it was going to burst, Stephanie quietly sat there and looked at Ryan off to the side.

She didn't speak and she didn't look to be in the mood for a conversation, either, so Stephanie sat there silently for a few minutes, as well, not having the right words to form for a sentence anyway.

Feeling that Stephanie was finished with her breakfast, Ryan stood up and moved the cart and its remnants to the other side of the room.

That's when Mark suddenly burst back into the room, startling both ladies.

Obviously not in a best of moods, Mark went over where his bag lay on the floor, and stomped into the bathroom, leaving both women stupefied, but nonetheless saying nothing.

As Mark showered, Stephanie exchanged glances with Ryan, her mind all over the place.

What was going to happen to her dad and Shane tonight?

What role was she going to play in all this madness that was to surely go down at SmackDown tonight?

And what could she do to stop it?

Well, for one, she had to talk to Mark.

She had to find maybe an ounce of compassion in him to persuade him to stop what he was about to do. And then, she had to find a way to gain her freedom.

It was the only way she could begin living a normal life again.

Ten minutes or so must have passed when Mark came out of the bathroom, steam from the shower following him.

Dressed in normal street clothes this time, Mark had his long black hair tied up in a ponytail at the nape of his neck, he wore a sleeveless black vest that wasn't buttoned up, revealing all of his stomach tattoo, "BSK Pride," along with wearing a pair of black jeans, black boots, with a pair of black sunglasses held loosely in his hand.

As he looked around to the girls, when Mark stepped over to Ryan, she almost jumped in the air with glee, squinting her eyes back over at Stephanie, as if she was mocking her because Mark chosen her and not Stephanie.

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