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As Vince stood on top of the stage, boiling with the most bottled up rage he had ever felt in his entire life, staring forward at this crazed and disturbed man, whom he foolishly thought he had once known, Taker, refocusing his attention to Austin, who was still tied to the ropes, still threatening to open a can a whoop ass on the Phenom as soon he was set free, was now beginning to stalk the entrapped Rattlesnake, very, very slowly.

Paul Bearer, leering gleefully from the sidelines, could taste an altercation on the horizon, while Stephanie, dizzy with shock, still strapped to the symbol, looked on helplessly.

She just could not believe that all of this was happening to her!

Austin, who was still dizzy himself, after being hit in the face with that baseball bat, attempted to kick his way to freedom, kick his way towards the Deadman, but it was simply as if Taker enjoyed toying with Austin!

Taker, forever the sadist, loved being in control of whatever situation life presented him with.

And the fact that his arch-nemesis, a man whom he had had personal venom for for over two years now, was now at his personal mercy, suddenly brought on a near lustful, yet maniacal feeling inside of himself.

Having Austin near powerless at his wake was so fulfilling, so rewarding that he purposely allowed Austin to near tire himself out, savoring every last moment of this encounter.

But then, as Austin was seemingly going crazy from within the confines of the ropes, Taker suddenly jumped all over him!

As Taker gave Austin both vicious lefts and rights, pummeling him into submission, the crowd in Hartford began chanting loudly, "Austin, Austin, Austin!" but Taker had clearly gotten the better of the Texan.

Taker, turning his back from Austin, whose head was now dangling from the onslaught of blows he had just received, gave the Acolytes the instructions to unstrap Stephanie from the symbol.

As they did such, Taker, almost effortlessly, spent around and delivered a huge boot right into the face of Austin, knocking him out of his restraints and out of the ring completely, landing on the mat below with a dull thump!

That's when Vince began walking down the aisle, his face as pale as a ghost's, staring blankly down at the fallen Austin.

Seeing the Acolytes take his baby girl from Taker's symbol, suddenly Vince, furious with rage, made a full sprint to the ringside area, desperate to save his daughter, but Taker, grabbing Stephanie by the hair, pulling her close to him, caused Vince to stop dead in his tracks.

Taker, wagging a finger at what could now be considered his father-in-law, pulled Stephanie closer into him by her dainty waist with his left hand, as his fingers continued to fondle her hair with an excruciating death grip in his right.

Motioning for the microphone in Paul's hand, as the chubby Ministry overseer placed the device next to Taker's mouth, he warned Vince darkly.

"Don't be a fool, Vince. Turn around, walk back up the aisle, and maybe, maybe you can come visit on the weekends," Taker taunted, ending with his trademark maniacal laughter!

Vince, humiliated, hurt that he had somehow allowed his one and only daughter to become the wife of this psychotic lunatic, couldn't help himself any longer!

Rushing under the ring ropes, desperately attempting to save his baby girl, Vince attempted to attack the Undertake, attempted to wrap his fingers around this vile creature's neck, to make him pay for all the horrible things that he'd put both he and his family through, but the only thing that he got for his effort were huge stomps to the back, as Viscera and the Acolytes kicked away at Vince unmercifully.

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