Obedience is Key

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As the limo veered around the corner only a few blocks away from the Civic Center, Taker carefully backed the vehicle up into a small and dark alleyway, which was wide enough to avoid the other car that was conveniently parked on the left-hand side.

Taker could hear Stephanie in the back crying, pleading, begging for the car to stop, but her pleas were falling on deaf ears.

She was desperately trying to free herself, banging on the windows, tugging on the door handle, constantly pressing the button to the door's lock, but it was no use. Both of Stephanie's doors were being controlled by Taker's in the driver seat, and if she wanted to get out, Stephanie had to go through him.

Placing the car in park, Taker, smelling the fresh, nighttime air, exited the limo and walked quickly to Stephanie's door.

Once open, he grabbed the frightened and terrified young woman by both ankles, bringing her to him effortlessly, as she screamed out a hefty "Nooooooo!!!" but Taker simply ignored her.

The alley, which was located next to a financial institution in the downtown area, was deserted, but Taker didn't want to run the risk of a potential cleaning crew or nearby bum hearing her, so he grabbed Stephanie by her waist with his left hand, placed his massive right hand over her mouth, and spoke to her calmly, but with just enough malice in his voice to terrify her into submission.

"Stephanie, I don't want to hurt you, but if you keep this up..." Undertaker's words trailed off, as he brought his left hand up from her waist and used it to stroke the side of her face.

Stephanie, with tears rolling down her cheeks, flinched unconsciously, knowing all too well that only God knew what was going to happen to her now.

Taker then spoke once more.

"Now, Princess, you have two options: get in the car with me and be a good little girl, OR," his voice heightened, as his strong hands left Stephanie's mouth momentarily, in order to bring her even closer to him, chest to chest, by both arms.

"OR, I can place you in the trunk. Hartford is only about an hour and forty-five-minute drive away, but I'm sure you don't want to ruin this gorgeous face in a car trunk, now do you, Steph?" Taker ended, stroking Stephanie's long, mousy brown hair.

However, as the absolute master of the mind games, Taker already knew Stephanie's answer before she even said it, and it had nothing to do with the choices he had presented to her.

"Please... I want to go home," Stephanie's voice trailed off in fear. "Please, my dad will give you whatever you want. Please..."

Taker, looking into Stephanie's blue eyes, flashing the most sinister smile that she had ever seen in her entire life, simply replied to her, "Wrong answer."

Just then, just like the driver before her, Taker whipped Stephanie around so fast, her back now facing his chest, that she honestly didn't even realize what was happening to her.

Taker then grabbed Stephanie around the mouth and forcefully ushered her to the other awaiting vehicle, abandoning the limo.

Then, out of the darkness, a hooded figure, another druid, mysteriously came forward.

Stephanie then heard an unstrapping noise, feeling tape — duct tape to be exact — making a circle around her ankles!

"No, no, not again!"

Stephanie, desperate for freedom, racked with fear, clamped her teeth down as hard as she possibly could on Taker's hand over her mouth, forcing him to immediately switch positions.

Drawing a forearm around her neck, which immediately cut off her oxygen supply, Taker, with his hand now free from the confines of Stephanie's jaw muscles, put his mouth directly to her ear, but yanked back on her hair so hard that she honestly felt as if she were being scalped!

"If you ever try a stunt like that again, you won't have a mouth!"

As soon as he let go of her hair, Stephanie's neck snapped downwards, as the druid, using his teeth, bit the duct tape and secured her legs in place as he immediately began working on her hands, clasping them in front of her, biting the tape once again, securely fastening her hands to the front of her, before finally placing a lone piece of tape over her delicate lips, as a stream of hot and heavy tears fell down Stephanie's angelic face.

Taker's voice suddenly illuminated the alleyway again.

"Open the trunk," he ordered to his minion.

That's when Stephanie began to fight all over again, renewed efforts of attempts to break free from her captors energizing her entire body, but she struggled against the almost solid steel holding of Taker's morbidly strong hands.

In the end, however, it was no use, as the druid and Taker collectively hoisted Stephanie up by the legs and underarms and placed her in the trunk, spare tire and all.

Stephanie, frightened beyond description, looked up to see Taker nod his head to the druid once, before he turned his attention back to Stephanie, rolling his eyes into the back of his head in the process, and finally brought the trunk door down with an emphatic clink of the lock.

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