The Heartbreak Kid Strikes

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After a replay of today's talent meeting with Linda McMahon, Jim Ross once again welcomed the viewing audience to the WWF's flagship program.

"Hello, everybody, and welcome to another edition of Raw is War! Jim Ross, alongside my broadcast partner, Jerry "The King" Lawler! We are live from the sold-out O-Arena in Orlando, Florida! And King, you look a lot better from the last time that we saw you."

"Yeah, yeah. But look, that was all just one big misunderstand..."

However, the King didn't have time to finish his statement, because almost immediately, the lights in the arena darkened, and that infamous gong was heard throughout.

"Oh, boy. That can mean only one thing," J.R. cautioned.

As the entire Ministry, including the Brood — whom Taker claimed were all in Greenwich — made their way down to the ring, everyone was shocked to not only see them in tow, but also Stephanie, as well.

To play her part, Stephanie dressed in a short, black, lace dress with matching black heels. Her husband, who led the way for the rest of his faction, was also donning his signature black robe, as well. As the Ministry strode down to the ring in masse, a replay of last Monday's main event reminded fans just how far the Undertaker was willing to go to become the WWF Champion.

Just like Sgt. Slaughter proclaimed: the Undertaker was obsessed with beating Austin, and he was willing to do anything to get what he wanted, even if that included hunting Linda McMahon...

As he was about to start his promo, Taker couldn't even get a word out; the O-Arena was filled with chants for Stone Cold Steve Austin. While Paul Bearer shouted at the crowd to shut up, he held up the microphone for the Phenom, who finally said over the loud crowd, "Let me make one thing clear, to all of you people, but especially to everyone in the back: I control the World Wrestling Federation, and I do what I want, when I want, and how I want to do it."

As the camera began to focus on Stephanie, who looked completely helpless, J.R. found himself remarking, "That's sick. Parading Stephanie around like this. Ugh."

Continuing, undeterred by the unanimous boos that he was receiving, Taker then said, "If you cross the path of the Undertaker, expect to be hurt. If you don't believe me, just ask Ken Shamrock. Just ask the Big Show. Hell, you can even ask Stone Cold Steve Austin."

The Undertaker was particularly incensed tonight.

Colleagues, people whom he considered to now be his subjects, had attempted to have a secret talent meeting without his knowledge. After last week's events, Taker was certain that Stephanie's mom would never show her face again.

However, Linda had done the exact opposite, and in his mind, had attempted to bring about a coup, to take him down and to remove him from power. However, with this power came great responsibility, and as the majority shareholder, it was his responsibility to make certain that this never happened.

Still incensed, Mark then went on to declare, "And as far as Austin is concerned, he's nothing more than a coward! And in one week, at No Mercy UK, the entire world is going to see just how much of a coward you are, Austin, when lose the World Wrestling Federa—"

Before he could finish his declaration, a familiar theme made the fans in Orlando spring to their feet. Slowly turning his head to the entrance, Taker saw the letters HBK up on the Titantron.

The WWF Commissioner, Shawn Michaels, was interrupting the Deadman!

Walking out to a monstrous ovation, Shawn jovially stared down at the Ministry, though none of them looked particularly happy to see him. Flipping a microphone in his hand, Shawn welcomed the Floridan crowd by saying, "What's up, Orlando! HBK is back in the hizousssse!"

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