Second Go Round

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As the countryside seemed to roll quickly by the pair, with the cool, nighttime air swatting at Stephanie's face, blowing her hair every which way, she couldn't help but to notice just strong and masculine Mark's body felt underneath her arms, as he focused solely on commandeering his machine.

Although she didn't initially rest her head against his back as they were taking off down the road, within two minutes or so, Stephanie found herself tightening her grip around Mark's waist, allowing her head to rest upon his shoulders.

With the springtime air gushing all around them, and the roaring of the motorcycle's engine beneath them, Stephanie honestly took this moment to be one of romanticism.

Even though they weren't saying anything to one another, this moment seemed to speak a thousand words to her.

She wanted Mark to feel the same way, as well, but he was just so guarded that Stephanie honestly didn't know how to approach him about anything, let alone romance.

Truth be told, Stephanie had mentally explored the possibility of forging a new life here in Houston with Mark, choosing not to return back home in Greenwich.

But in the back of her mind, she was still very much apprehensive about this.

After all, Mark was a very scary man.

Mark had the uncanny ability to make Stephanie an absolute nervous wreck just by looking at her, not to mention all of the horrible things that he had done to her.

But if he could truly open up to her, and treat Stephanie like he had when they were making love, then...

But then she kept going back, agonizing herself all over again with the many horrific things that Mark had put she and her family through — how he had forced her into marriage, and although on paper, Mark was now considered to be her "legal" husband — in truth, he was also her captor, and logically, that should have superseded everything.

But it didn't.

Because in truth, Stephanie wanted Mark Calaway.

She just didn't know how to verbalize this, and most importantly, she didn't know if Mark would be receptive to her affections for him or not.

Maybe all of this was just sex to him, nothing more and nothing less, and maybe it was she who was reading too far into things too quickly.

She just didn't know...

As the pair casually made the drive up a very steep hill, Stephanie's breath caught in the middle of her chest, afraid that she was going to fall off the back of the bike.

After all, this was her very first exposition on a motorcycle and she didn't know what all to expect.

Mark, however, never taking his eyes off of the road, removed one of his hands from the bike's handgrip and began massaging Stephanie's clasped hand around his shirt gently, as if he were silently telling her not to panic, calming her anxiety almost instantly.

She felt like she could melt, because once again, Mark had proven that even with the simplest of touches, he knew just how to work her body.

Driving up the long hill for about another thirty seconds or so, Mark brought the bike to a stop atop of a grassy mound, turning off the engine to his cycle.

As Stephanie's body began to truly relax now that the two had finally come to a complete stop, she began to look all around herself, attempting to figure out where exactly they even were.

Not allowing Stephanie to truly process their whereabouts, however, Mark, exiting the motorcycle, pulled Stephanie along with him, as she continued to look about herself.

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