Cracks in the Corporation

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"And we're back live, ladies and gentlemen, and if you're just joining us, you've missed a heck of a lot," J.R. reintroduced, as he welcomed fans back to the start of the War Zone.

"First, at the top of our broadcast, the Undertaker assaulted Stone Cold Steve Austin with a steel chair; then later he completely obliterated the Big Show with a baseball bat. And then just a few moments ago, the King became the Phenom's latest victim, as Lawler was ordered to face Viscera!"

After a quick replay of the King being helped to the locker room by WWF officials, J.R. then spoke to Kevin Kelly, who had a very important update into the condition of the Rattlesnake.

"Thanks, J.R. Well, all I can tell you right now is that there are several doctors inside Stone Cold's dressing room, watching and monitoring him very closely.

"However, I did receive word that Austin may have sustained a concussion at the hands of the Undertaker. Right now, Austin is still scheduled to compete later in tonight's broadcast, but J.R., from the looks of things, those plans might just change, as well."


Following a brief update into Stone Cold's condition, Linda McMahon was once again seen knocking on what appeared to be Stephanie's dressing room door. And after several unanswered attempts, Linda finally decided to let herself in.

However, what she saw next immediately frightened her to death!

Lifting her head from her lap, as her mascara fell balefully down her face, Stephanie suddenly came alive with fright. For the second week in a row, Stephanie wasn't allowed to have a monitor in her dressing room, so she honestly had no idea that her mom was even in the building!

"What in the world is she doing here???"

"Oh, my God," J.R. gasped. Stephanie looked like she had been through hell and back.

Mark had warned her to not leave the office under any circumstances. She wasn't even allowed to leave the the sofa! And while she had obeyed all of his orders, Stephanie was certain that she wasn't allowed to have visitors, either, especially not from the likes of her mother.

Her mind immediately went into overdrive. She had to get her mom to safety. There was honestly no telling what Mark would do if he possibly caught her in here!

"My God, Stephanie!" Linda rushed, kneeling next to her daughter frantically. "What has he done to you? Tell me, are you alright? Are you ok? Speak to me, honey, please. Why are you crying like this?"

Stephanie knew that her mother was worried sick about her, and while she desperately wanted to tell her mom everything, she knew that she just couldn't. If she did, then there would definitely be repercussions.

Stephanie had just seen how far Mark was willing to go in order to get what he wanted. Whether it was brainwashing the entire Ministry or attacking Stone Cold Steve Austin with a chair, when Mark turned absolutely psychotic like he had tonight, then there was truly no stopping him.

Not to mention the fact that Mark had already put her family through so much. She definitely did not want them enduring any more pain and suffering, especially not on her behalf. Knowing that she had to be obedient, Stephanie merely opted for silence instead.

She knew that her mom was hurt and confused, but she had to protect her.

"Please, Stephanie. Please tell me," Linda pleaded frantically. "What has Mark done to you? You're cold, you're shaking, you're crying. Let's get you home, please."

With her blue eyes coming ablaze once again, Stephanie instantly began to shake her head wildly, saying to her mother for the first time, "No, Mom. I can't. I can't go back. Please understand..."

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