Work Everyone

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As Mark and Stephanie casually drove back home for their recent shopping trip, Stephanie was on cloud nine.

Just as she had expected, the people down South still possessed a warm and inviting aura and charm about themselves, which quite frankly set them a world apart from every other region in the United States.

In Greenwich, there were a lot of friendly residents, many of whom Stephanie knew on a first name basis, however, in many of the social circles that she traveled in, those same happy and smiling faces were merely just for show.

From her own personal experiences, the general pleasantries that residents often shared with one another in her hometown often lacked authenticity, which Stephanie had honestly grown quite accustomed to over the years.

Being that her parents were both very public figures, Stephanie had always been urged, that in order to make the right social and political connections, that one needed to always be on the scene for the latest of social gatherings, even if she didn't want to attend or even if she didn't personally like the host.

It was all about image and staying well-connected.

Here in Texas, however, things seemed to be more laidback, and dare she say it, more homey even.

Of course, there were fake and insincere people everywhere in the world.

You couldn't escape this.

But at least this fake and phony didn't make up an entire city construct like it had in Greenwich.

People were often cold and aloof in their real lives back home, but happy and endearing when one could donate a cool $10,000 to said person's latest "charitable endeavor," and that had honestly grown tiresome for Stephanie.

It was only until recently that she realized that she needed to a break from all the pomp's and circumstances of polite society, and what better way to start all over than to live here in Houston with Mark?

Not to mention the fact that Stephanie truly did enjoy being in her husband's company.

In fact, she never wanted to leave it.

On their latest shopping trip, Mark had taken Stephanie to this absolutely gargantuan shopping mall, the Galleria, where the two literally shopped for just about everything, from designer clothing to scented candles for the home.

And what's more, throughout their entire trip, Mark had shown himself to be a perfect gentleman, carrying Stephanie's bags, opening doors for her, and he was even friendly and outright courteous with the various sales associates who had been tasked to help them throughout their day as well, giving Stephanie his honest opinions and critiques on what he liked and what he didn't like.

It was as if Mark was some brand new person, completely different from the monster who literally haunted Stephanie in her sleep.

With all of this, Mark was helping to further ease Stephanie out of her comfort zone, not only when it came to familiarizing herself with the city, but also with helping her to dress more age appropriately.

While she did pick up a few pieces that were acceptable for a business or a church setting, Mark insisted on Stephanie trying new outfits and ensembles that were sexy, but without necessarily being too slutty.

As Mark aptly whispered into her ear while shopping in one particular boutique, as he not so subtly rubbed against her backside, which also caught the watchful eye of their salesperson:

"Some things are meant for my eyes and for my eyes only."

Afterwards, Mark decided to show Stephanie around various other parts of Houston, as well, wanting to further acquaint her with the city that she would now call home.

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