Bride & Doom (Part 2)

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Vince was there at the Grand Chalet Hotel, in the parking garage, just as Mark had told him to be, but by God, where was he?

It was at least fifteen minutes past 10, and Vince was still waiting!

Pacing back and forth, a million different things were running through Vince's mind.

What if Mark really didn't show up?

And if he did, and when Vince got Stephanie back... if he got Stephanie back... what would happen to the business?

How would Mark, the demonic creature that he was, run the juggernaut known as the World Wrestling Federation as its new principal owner?

And most importantly, what kind of mental toll had all of this turmoil taken on Stephanie?

What would she be like when he got her back?

Would she blame him for being abducted?

Vince paced backwards and forwards, over and over again, desperately praying that Mark and the Ministry or whomever would show up, but it was almost a quarter past 10 and there still wasn't any sign of anyone!



That's all that could be heard from the deep recesses of the arena, as Stephanie McMahon, flanked on all sides by the Ministry, Farooq and Bradshaw on each arm, tugging her about, was desperately trying to put up a fight!

But these men were so strong! So deathly strong and Stephanie couldn't fight them off!

She couldn't free herself!

Mark had promised some sort of ceremony, and with all intents and purposes, they looked as if they were going to have one — at her expense!

Stephanie, begging for mercy, knowing that her life truly did depend on it, looked up at Mark, cloaked in his robe, who was standing next to Paul Bearer, and surprisingly Ryan Shamrock, arms folded up, looking completely unfazed by all of her screaming.

Ryan, who seemed to be in a hypnotic stupor, merely smiled on with wickedness pouring out of her soul, as she stared on at Stephanie, before gazing up to her master in extreme suspense, as to what was about to happen next.

Stephanie, who couldn't get away from either Farooq or Bradshaw, simply kept pleading for Mark to let her go, who in turn, reached out with a lone hand to stroke her face once more. A diabolical laugh escaped the savage Viscera, as Stephanie kept pulling at her human restraints, but the Ministry began courting her off anyway, literally dragging her out to the front of the arena!

Paul, smiling from ear to ear devilishly, walked side by side with Taker, asking his higher power to "bless her heart," as Mideon, Ryan, and Viscera all walked behind the evil procession, with Viscera exclaiming demonically, "She's all ours!"

Stephanie began looking around wildly for anyone to save her, anyone to come to her rescue, but she saw no one other than the members of the Ministry.

As they made their way closer and closer to the arena, Stephanie felt her entire body mentally and physically unraveling.

Here she was about to be forced into marriage, and there was no one in this entire building who gave a damn to help her?!

Had her father really burned that many bridges?

Suddenly, Farooq and Bradshaw stopped dragging her, and as soon as she began to relax her arms, which were heavy with ache, the men grabbed her again, while Mideon and Viscera grabbed a leg a piece, cascading her body onto the same symbol that Stephanie and Linda had found burning in their front yard all those weeks ago; the same symbol that had been smeared onto her bedroom mirror with her favorite shade of lipstick; the very same symbol that had been etched onto her forehead the first time that the Ministry had abducted her!

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