Patty Hearst

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Vince, still in his suite, looking around at his attorneys, Pat, and Jerry, could not believe all of what was happening to him.

And poor Stephanie, she was caught right in the middle of it!

Vince still couldn't figure out exactly where Mark was going with all of this.

Remembering back to his exclusive interview with Jerry Lawler from a few weeks ago, if this was just about business, Vince was a businessman. He sat down and discussed business with others who liked to talk business.

What Mark was doing, however, forcing him to give up his majority stake in the company, forcing Stephanie into marriage, and endangering the welfare of the entire WWF locker room, most of whom looked up to Mark as a backstage leader, was just beyond comprehension.

...And he still didn't have a clue as to why he was doing all of this.

Succumbing to the sound of ice cubs clinking against glasses, Vince went over to the bar to prepare himself a stiff shot of whiskey.

Then, turning his attention back to his attorneys, Vince asked solemnly, "Ok, what about my interest of the company? I mean, I know what I did. But, is there any way we could possibly get it back? Maybe a legal loophole or something?"

Matthew putting his hands in his head, because he too shared this nightmare with Vince, told him with hands still cupped in his face, "Vince, I warned you about trusting Mr. Calaway. I mean, I just don't see it."

Matthew, putting his hands down and looking in Vince's eyes stated bluntly, "Unless he wants to sell it back, but for right now, he has majority interest of the WWF, fair and square. We could always sue and say you were coerced into signing, but that will surely turn into the biggest legal mess that the WWF has ever seen, even more so than the steroid scandal."

That's when Vince gulped and began sway a bit, with Pat reaching out to sturdy him just in the knick of time.

Vince's father had created this company.

Vince was, up until recently, at the helm as the leader of the World Wrestling Federation, and he was ready to pass this great corporation down to his own children when the time was right for retirement, but now that Mark was the majority stakeholder, who knew what he was going to do.

Vince surely didn't want to risk going back to trial again.

The company was doing great in numbers as far as ratings and advertisers were concerned; revenue generation was at an all-time high.

But now, if they had to go to trial over this whole ordeal, then everything that Vince and the other WWF officials and superstars had all strived so hard for, including Mark, would all crashing down!

Matthew, looking into some documents now with his glasses, went on to say, "The one thing that works in our favor is that, A, he may be willing to sell his majority stock back, although at a hefty price point.

The WWF is at an all time high as far as viewership and profitability is concerned, but, if the money's right, and Vince, I am talking a lot of it, then he might consider re-selling you your controlling asset.

B, Linda still has a large minority stake in the company, as well, forty percent to be exact, so she still has a lot of say so in the day to day operation of this company.

Mr. Calaway more than likely will hire someone to oversee his new interest on his behalf, and hopefully through him, we'll be able to get facilitate a deal.

But as of right now Vince, our best decision is to simply wait him out. If we go too strong or try to enforce some legal bravado, who's to say, given this man's mental state, that he won't do something drastic to force the company back by the wayside again. Vince, WCW isn't completely dead. They could have a major resurgence if Mr. Calaway goes off the deep end with this whole thing."

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