What a Way to Kick Off Smackdown!

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As the limo neared the back of the New Haven Coliseum, Mark, with his hands still caressing Stephanie's body, sat up with her, with Stephanie's chest still pressed firmly onto his.

"What am I doing?"

Stephanie couldn't understand why she wasn't fighting Mark back.

Sure, she was deathly afraid of this man's actions and his temper, but why was she allowing him to touch her body so intimately like he had been doing for these past two days now?

And that's what shocked Stephanie the most.

Within these last forty-eight hours, Stephanie had allowed Mark to invade her life, both mentally and emotionally.

What was going on with her, and more importantly, why was Stephanie allowing him to do this to her?

Mark, still with his arms wrapped around her, almost picking her up a bit as he did so, forcing Stephanie to wrap her arms around him, reached over and grabbed her discarded dress.

"Put this back on. We're here."

Stephanie, confused as ever, slid away quietly, and with her hands covering her breasts, slipped back into her dress, as Mark scowled at her from out the corner of his eye, as if she had done something wrong.

Making sure that the straps of her dress were adjusted correctly, Stephanie looked over to Mark, who was now looking out the window.

Upon hearing Christian opening the driver door, then coming round to the passenger side, Mark, looking more diabolical than ever, looked over to Stephanie and informed her wickedly, "Now the fun begins."

"This is it!" Stephanie thought. "What's going to happen now???"


Inside the sold out New Haven Coliseum, Michael Cole, addressing the audience at home, with his broadcast partner, Jim Cornette, started off the network premiere of SmackDown!

"The WWF returns to network television tonight and we're proud to be back! Hello and welcome everybody to WWF SmackDown! This place is jacked, the WWF fans are pumped here on UPN! Michael Cole, Jim Cornette at ringside!"

"Michael it's going to be a tremendous night! Network television, the WWF, what a combination!" Cornette pushed, as ring announcer, Tony Chimel, stood in the middle of the ring, with a microphone in hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, will you please welcome the principal owner of the World Wrestling Federation, Vince McMahon!"

The crowd, warmly regarding Vince as a "good guy" now, watched as he, alongside by Pat Patterson and Jerry Briscoe, walked to the ring solemnly, Vince, of course, obviously looking the worse for wear.

"He's the owner of the World Wrestling Federation. He's run this company for two decades, but what a hellish week it's been for Vince McMahon, Jim.

First, his daughter, abducted by the Undertaker, just as we were going off the air after Backlash. Then, the next night on Raw is War, the Undertaker, doing just what he said he prophesied, he married Stephanie McMahon, Jim."

"Michael, in all my years in the wrestling industry, I have never, ever seen anything quite like that.

And I tell you, I've known the Undertaker for quite a while; he's always been the 'Conscious of the WWF.'

What has come over the Undertaker as of recent weeks, we don't know.

But what we do know is, Vince McMahon, on WWF's return to network television, has called a very special meeting with all the WWF superstars. They're backstage, they're tuned in. Let us tune in, as well!"

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