Ring Rats

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As Mark walked Stephanie back downstairs, she was boiling mad.

How could Mark be this cruel?

Why was he one moment hot with her, then all of the sudden, cold as ice?

All she had done was hug Austin. It wasn't even a flirtatious hug, either!

But yet, Mark saw fit to punish her, by not only spanking her and refusing to feed her properly, but now, she had to clean his entire house?

Stephanie kept telling herself that she was a fourth generation McMahon, that Merry Maids wasn't her title, but what other choice did she have?

This unconscionable man was literally capable of anything, and she definitely didn't want to end up like Ryan, a mere vegetable of her former self.

Pointing around the upstairs area, Mark ordered, "Do all these rooms, including the bathrooms."

Opening an utility closet, Mark pointed inside, showing Stephanie an assortment of brooms, mops, dustpans, and general cleaning supplies, he said again, "Make sure that you still get that closet in the bathroom, and like I said, in about an hour and a half, you need to be downstairs, got it?"

Squinting at Mark with almost a bit of hatred in her eyes, Stephanie nodded along obediently.

Looking around, Mark continued, "There are six bedrooms, five full-size bathrooms, two half-size. I don't expect you to rush through them, but you do have all day. And I want them spotless."

Looking at the clock on the wall, Mark pointed to it and said, "It's a little after 7. Hop to it," before tossing the broom into her hands, almost as if her name were Cinderella.

Steph, knowing Mark meant one hundred percent business, backed away slowly, before she quietly, and dutifully, began cleaning. Going into each bedroom, Stephanie noticed the decor in them were all a bit different.

The first bedroom she entered was just off the staircase, and it had blueish-gray painted walls, which was offset by the white painted windows, a full-size bed with a white frame, and matching blue and gray bedding.

This room seemed easy for Steph to do some fine tuning to, since it honestly looked as if it hadn't ever been slept in before.

Moving on to the next room, the walls were painted a pleasant shade of green, and had a small bay window facing the door, perfect for looking out of while relaxing on the comfortable brown and beige pillows that were propped up against it.

To the left was a standing mirror, with a portrait of some kind of plant beside it.

Walking around the room, Stephanie didn't notice the black bag which was sitting on the other side of the bed, because if she had, then she would have known that Christian occupied the half-bath which was connected to the previous bedroom, and what Stephanie saw when she walked in, absolutely frightened her.

Christian, who had his shirt off, washing up, had several angry, red lash marks crisscrossing all across his back, which were fading into his skin!

Turning around to face her, Christian had his custom blank stare on his face.

That's when it hit her.

"Those whipping sounds in the warehouse... they weren't coming from Ryan! They were coming from Christian!!!"

Stephanie, who still had the broom in her hand, eyes wide with amazement as to what she had just seen, even though she knew more than likely he wasn't going to say anything, reached out her hand, touching Christian's arm, asking with immense concern, "Christian, wha—wha—what happened to your back?"

Training StephanieOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz