A Change in Appearance

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After another forty five minutes or so of making love, Stephanie, absolutely spent, was pleasantly passed out on the bed, her neck a testament to the almost near constant sex that she and Mark had engaged in over the past few hours.

As Mark stood completely naked over Stephanie's own nude and angelic body, which was hidden from view underneath the covers, he couldn't help but to revel in the fact that finally, after months and months of deliberate planning, that he was finally getting everything that he wanted and deserved:

Control over the World Wrestling Federation, control over Stephanie, and pretty soon, Mark would also have the WWF Championship clasped firmly around his waist, as well, a glowing testament for all of his wonderful accomplishments.

Looking back down at his woman again, while he casually put on a T-Shirt, Mark smiled to himself wickedly.

Whether Stephanie knew this or not, she was now a willing participant in his Ministry of Darkness, and like so many others — Farooq, Bradshaw, Mideon, Viscera, Edge, Gangrel, Christian, and Saphirra — she had completely submitted to his will, as well.

However, unlike those individuals, Stephanie was to submit to Mark, not only in mind, body, and spirit, but also sexually.

Yes, Mark's plans for Stephanie had only just begun, her training nowhere near complete, but when he was finally finished with her, when he had finally molded her into the woman that he desired her to be, Stephanie would be his own personal well-oiled machine.

Her entire life would revolve around his; she'd anticipate his every want and his every need.

Stephanie would be completely under Mark's control, and then, no one would be able to stop him, not Vince, not the board of directors, and certainly not Stone Cold Steve Austin, either.

Of course, Mark was well-aware of the fact that there might be some initial reluctance from Stephanie in all of this, especially when it came to the welfare of other people.

Mark honestly didn't expect anything less from her.

Stephanie, though she was no longer a virgin, was still very much innocent, and she still, by and large, looked at the world through a set of rose-colored glasses.

It was just who she was as a person, and Mark honestly appreciated this about her.

Stephanie was not only a deviation from the norm, as most of the women that he dealt with were either sharks or piranhas, but Mark also enjoyed breaking through this innocence of her's, as well, brick by brick.

It was a challenge for him, one that he had truly embraced and accepted with opened arms.

Mark was a man, a man who viewed the world for what it was — corrupt.

There were people like him, who were born to lead, and then there were those who born to be lead.

Stephanie was clearly the latter, as Mark planned to lead her into becoming the woman the he desired her to be.

Right now, Stephanie didn't possess that killer instinct that Mark, or hell, even Shane or her old man had.

Throughout her entire life, Stephanie had been catered to and blatantly sheltered from the happenings of the real world, behind the many pomps and circumstances that living a life in Greenwich, Connecticut afforded her with.

She had never wanted for a single thing in her entire life.

She had never had to fight for anything.

In all honesty, Stephanie was a McMahon in name only — that is, until she unlocked her true potential, of course.

She just didn't have that fire, that drive, or the motivation to be anything else other than a run of the mill good girl right now.

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