Stephanie the Troublemaker

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On Saturday, Mark and Stephanie took their very first fishing trip together as a couple. While Mark fished often, this was Stephanie's very first outing, so she was a little apprehensive. The Greenwich snob in her didn't want to get all wet and stinky. But on the other side, she really did want to learn, so she didn't overly dress for the occasion like she had done on yesterday.

The pair drove to a small, little pond on the other side of town. It was a quaint little hideaway that Mark often frequented whenever he wanted to catch some of the best Bream in all of Texas. And although she had to be extra quiet here, lying against her husband's broad chest, as he taught her how to catch their eventual meal, was honestly exhilarating.

Stephanie was finally stepping outside of her comfort zone.

While Mark simply wore an open blue flannel shirt, a gold necklace, and dark jeans, Stephanie chose to go more for the Lara Croft look. She wore a beige tank top, short, brown cargo shorts, and brown boots with a braided ponytail. And that really made her husband happy.

The old Stephanie would have never worn short shorts, not even in her own bedroom. But as the days passed more and more, Mark began to notice small, distinct little changes in his wife.

Thinking back to Tuesday's house show, from Mark's vantage point, it looked as if Stephanie actually enjoyed seeing him attack X-Pac, and that alone told him that the old Stephanie, the innocent little lamb that she was today, would soon be long gone.

Or, that was his plan, at least.

None of this — going fishing, dressing differently, acting differently — would have ever taken place if Stephanie was still living in Greenwich. With each passing day, it truly felt as if she was slowly morphing into a more mature version of her old self.

While Stephanie definitely enjoyed Mark's educational lessons on all of the basics of fishing, from how to line a pole to even how to use live bait, she had an even better time looking down at the new ring that was comfortably positioned on her hand. It was a brilliant cut, and from the quality alone, Stephanie could tell that Mark had spent quite a lot of money on it.

Although he wouldn't reveal exactly how much he had paid for it, Mark did let her know that he had been designing her new ring for quite some time now, which told Stephanie that he honestly meant to do right by her all along, which would explain why her new rock fit her hand so perfectly.

She was in love.

And what's more: Mark was finally beginning to show more of his affection for her, as well. Mark was certainly a prideful man, but when he was around Stephanie, he felt that he could be himself; that he could lower his guard around her. And that made Stephanie ooze with pride.

She truly was Mrs. Calaway.

As previously discussed, starting next week, Stephanie and Mark would begin the process of changing her address, her last name, and also acquiring her a Texas driver's license. But this week, since Mark didn't have to be at TV until Sunday, Stephanie would finally get the chance to meet more of her husband's inner circle outside of wrestling.

For this, Stephanie definitely wanted to make a good first impression. After all, she had a lot to eventually reveal, including their actual wedding date! Stephanie truly loved being Mark's wife, and she wanted to share her joy with everyone — though she more than realized that for the sake of Mark's plans, she really couldn't do any of this right now.

At first, Stephanie thought about the feelings of the WWF talent, many of whom she had known for quite some time. What would they all think when she and Mark's ruse was finally revealed to the world? But then again, why should she care what any of them thought, she said to herself selfishly.

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