A Proper Proposal

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As he drove back home in his Chevy pickup truck, Mark had a lot on his mind.

Not only did he have to contend with Stone Cold Steve Austin, but just when he thought that he had finally gotten rid of both Vince and Shane, in comes Linda? Mark had promised Stephanie that neither he nor the Ministry would physically harm her mother, but... he hadn't said anything about mental duress.

If Linda thought that she could walk right in and encroach on his territory, then she had another thing coming. Mark cared about Stephanie; he was finally at the place where he could admit to himself that he loved her, but he wasn't above using a bit of manipulation to get what he wanted.

On top of this, Mark's contract was expiring soon and he wanted to make himself the highest-paid player in the game. And by the end of July, Mark had a very strong feeling that he'd get exactly what he wanted.

And then there was Angel.

Over the many years that he had known her, Mark had never been able to truly resist this woman. And right when he had made up his mind to finally commit to Stephanie and at least be somewhat faithful, Angel wanted him again, when the two of them hadn't had sex in nearly six months?

Angel had never been a one-man woman, which is why it puzzled him why Shannon had even bothered to marry her to begin with. Angel would forever be the lady in the streets, but a whore in the bedroom, and her extracurricular activities with different men outside of her marriage confirmed that.

True enough, Mark wanted Angel today.

Looking at Angel's perfectly toned body in that tight skirt, which showed off her great ass and legs, made him want to fuck her right on top of her desk. But he just couldn't risk having sex with her and jeopardizing not only his marriage, but also his rule of the World Wrestling Federation.

Shaking his head absently, attempting to clear the cobwebs, Mark finally arrived back home. He punched in the code to his gate, parked his truck, and slammed the door behind him. His mind was a wreck and he needed to clear his mind. He needed a drink.

Nearly marching inside the house, Mark stopped short in the foyer, as he noticed a large stack of mail sitting on the table next to the entrance. Sighing aloud, he decided to go through all of the envelopes that had accumulated, while his large Mastiff, Zeus, came and sat next to him on the floor.

Even he could tell that Mark's mood was off.

As he continued to go through the mail, all of which were labeled "Mark Calaway," he failed to notice that someone was staring down at him from the top of the staircase.

"Ahem! Why the long face?"

Looking up, Mark was suddenly aghast when he saw Stephanie in one of the most ridiculous outfits that he had ever seen.

"Girl... what in the world??? Get down here," he playfully ordered.

As Stephanie carefully walked down the stairs, making sure to watch her step as she went, she said to him as she was coming down, "Well, you said we were going fishing, so I dressed for the occasion."

Making it to the base of the staircase, Stephanie stared back at her husband innocently, while he covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing. Stephanie was wearing a large beige fishing hat, a long-sleeved blue and red flannel shirt, oversized blue jean overalls, and a large pair of knee-high, green rubber boots.

In one hand, Stephanie was holding a long fishing rod, which had enough hooks attached to reel in Jaws, and in the other hand, she was holding a green metal tackle box, which rattled loudly whenever she moved.

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