"I love you too." She told him, barely above a whisper.

"Stay strong, Jagiya. At least until I can hold you again." Suga told her, Mariana simply nodding to him before Suga ended the call and walked back out to the main area where everyone else was waiting to hear what Suga had found out.

"Did you get to talk to Anna?" Jungkook asked.

"Is she okay?" Jimin followed.

"What's going on?" Jin added, all of the boys' attention glued to Suga.

"She's back at her parents' home in The States." Suga started, once again being met with nothing but questions.

"What? Why?" Taehyung asked.

"What happened?" Hoseok followed up.

"Stop interrupting him with questions, and we might find out." Namjoon pointed out.

"Thank you." Suga stated to Namjoon and fully explained what Mariana had told him.

Everyone was rightfully shocked and wished they could help. Suga agreed and told them that he had booked a plane ticket to go be with Mariana until further notice before he started walking to go back to the apartment to pack his things.

"Let us know when the services are if they haven't already had them okay?" Jimin requested as he and everyone else started walking with Suga.

Suga nodded. "I'll keep you posted." He agreed.

Everyone pitched in to help Suga get packed once they got home, managing to get him out the door and to the airport within an hour. They knew their management would understand the reason for the sudden leave of absence since everyone at BigHit knew about Suga and Mariana's relationship now, but all seven of the boys knew that the questionable duration was also going to make management have a cow.


Suga dug his phone out of his jacket pocket as he walked away from his baggage claim, sending a message to Mariana to figure out where she was waiting, but as he looked up for a moment to see where he was walking, he saw her, sitting on a bench, playing on her phone. She had a simple black, rectangular face mask covering the bottom half of her face, her hair pulled back into a loose ponytail with a comfy pullover hoodie and black yoga pants on.

Suga went over to her and sat right next to her. "Hi, Jagiya."

Mariana snapped her attention to him and immediately wrapped her arms around him as she realized who it was. "Yoongi." She said in relief as Suga wrapped his arms around her in return.

"I'm here now." Suga told her as he put his chin on the top of her head for a moment while he hugged her a bit closer.

"Thank you." Mariana said into his chest as they sat like that for almost a full two minutes before she looked back up at Suga.

"Oh, Ana." Suga said with sympathy in his tone as he brought his hands up to Mariana's jaw, wiping off her damp cheekbones with his thumbs.

Even with Suga's busy schedule, he always managed to be there for Mariana, and today was a testament to that. Any moment where it was just the two of them was always so precious to both of them. Even when surrounded by people, they were the only two that mattered, and no matter how many times that happened, it was always so refreshing.

Mariana had looked up past Suga, seeing someone with a camera that seemed to be pointed at them, eliciting an audible sigh from Mariana. They'd caught people looking at them and taking their picture before, and the media was full of speculation of Suga having a girlfriend and some articles weren't very far from the truth. It was just another reminder that they wouldn't be able to keep their relationship hidden much longer. Some sites even had pictures of Mariana and Jimin together, theorizing that they were childhood best friends or sweethearts, and some articles that recognized her face theorized that she was cheating on Jimin with Suga and vice versa depending on what site you checked.

"It won't be long before Dispatch is watching us." Suga said with a huff as he noticed the same camera wielder from the corner of his eye. "All a part of this life, I suppose."

"We're not going to be able to hide this from ARMY much longer, are we?" Mariana asked quietly enough so that Suga would be the only one to hear.

"I don't think so, no. But, we make it official on OUR terms. Not the media's. Deal?" Suga asked her and rubbed a hand up and down her should a bit.

Mariana faintly smiled a bit. "Deal."

Suga kneaded his thumb against Mariana's side a bit as they just looked at each other for a moment. "Are you ready to head back?"

Mariana nodded to him and waited for Suga to grab the handle on his rolling suitcase and adjust his backpack strap before they walked out of the airport together, catching a shuttle to the parking lot where Mariana had parked her truck. She put Suga's bags in the back seat as he got in the passenger's seat so Mariana could close the doors before she went around to the driver's side, got in, buckled her seatbelt, and started the truck before beginning the four-hour drive home.

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