Meet The Morgans

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He smiled at the thought of his fiance modelling jewels, if there was such a thing.

'Hm, that's weird.' he thought.

"So, miss..." he started.

"Oh, Georgia May Wells, Mr Morgan." she said, as he smiled. What a pretty name!

And what a pretty woman she was! He noticed she didn't have a ring on her finger, wondering why.

And what a pretty woman she was! He noticed she didn't have a ring on her finger, wondering why

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She looked so young.

"Georgia. That's a pretty name." he complimented, smiling at her.

She blushed, as she tucked a strand of her long blonde hair behind her ear.

"Thanks, Mr Morgan." she shyly smiled at him.

"So, you design and make jewels, correct?" he asked, as she nodded.

"That is correct, yes." she confirmed.

"And how long have you been in business for?" he asked.

"About three years. I played around with jewels since I was 18. I recently turned 21, and would like to own my own jewelry store." she explained, as he smiled. She was only three years younger than him, and had a good head for business!

"That's very good, Georgia. To have a plan for your life. Have you always wanted to be a jeweler?" he asked, as she smiled brightly.

"I have, actually. My cousin, Jenny is a beautician." she said.

"Jenny Lucas?" he asked, as she shot him a confused look.

"Yes. How do you know her?" she asked.

"She's best friends with my fiance." he said, as she nodded. "Is she that Kati that Jen always spoke about?" asked Georgia, gesturing to a picture of his fiance on his desk.

 "Is she that Kati that Jen always spoke about?" asked Georgia, gesturing to a picture of his fiance on his desk

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He glanced at the picture, and smiled. "Yes. She's my baby, and she makes me so happy. I love her so much." he said, as he traced a finger over the face in the picture.

He wondered what she was up to.


"Wait, what? Nikki, you can't be serious." she said, looking at her sister in law.

"You're scared. This is just the fear talking. Are you... tokophobic?" she asked, as Nicole shot her a confused look, resting her hand on her belly.

"Toko-what?!" she asked. "A severe fear of childbirth." Kati explain.

Nicole just nodded her head, as if to prove her current emotions.

"Yes, it must be that." she confirmed.

" 'Must be'? Nikki, you're one of the coolest people I know. You're a nurse, for cripes sake! Yoy work with kids and help women give birth." Kati said.

"Its different when it your own kid. You're not staring into your own cooch, pushing out two fucking bodies!" she cried. Damn, this pregnancy made her emotional, and Kati wasn't sure WHAT emotion would burst out of her next. Her hormones were acting up.

But that wasn't uncommon in pregnant women...

"Nikki, what really frightens you about labour?" asked Kati, a serious tone in her voice.

Nicole sighed before she responded.

"That I might not love my kids at all. Or that they will hate me." she answered.

"What? Have you told Michael?" asked Kati. "No!" answered Nicole.

"Are you crazy?! He'd flip out if he found out!" she spat.

"You have to be honest with him. This isn't just your pregnancy. He is just as much involved in this as you are. As the father, he has the right to know. I'm sure he's looking forward to meeting his twins." said Kati, with a sympathetic smile.

She really loved her sister in law, and only wanted her to be happy.

"I've never seen him more excited about anything. One could swear he was expecting twins! But... I can't keep him from meeting Liam and Leila." she said.

Kati knew those were the twins' names.

"That's good. I did something really stupid... last night." she whispered the last bit.

"What did you do?" asked Nicole.

"I... had sex with Will last night. I don't know what came over me." she admitted, as Nicole gasped.

"Why would you do that? I thought you wanted to wait until marriage." asked a confused Nicole.

(I may not have added this, but they already ordered lunch, and were currently consuming it).

"I thought so, too. But it was in the heat of the moment! I don't know what I was thinking! I actually... asked Will to... give me his child." said Kati.

"Was he nagging you for a kid or sex?" asked Nicole, as Kati shook her head, sipping her lime milkshake.

"No. Absolutely not! He's a gentleman! I... wanted him to." she said.

"You wanted to have sex with him or have his kid?" asked Nicole, not seeing the point.

"Have his kid, Nikki. I don't know why I wanna be pregnant so badly. I've wanted this for a long time. Grayson didn't want kids! Since he dumped me... I've wanted to have a kid, but I wasn't sure if Will wanted to. I was wrong, I admit." Kati said.

"Sounds like you're trying to prove a point. Not only to Grayson, but to yourself." said Nicole.

"I... what?" asked Kati.

"Grayson doesn't want kids, does he? You do. And so does Will. Are you sure you're ready for this? Raising kids is a big step." said Nicole, as Kati nodded. Nicole felt the babies kick.

She thought about what Kati said, and decided to face her pregnancy as best she could.

The nausea was annoying, and the pain in her back didn't help. Neither did having swollen feet.

She was due in two months. Which could go by fast.

"Are Jenny and Louise going to your wedding?" she asked, as Kati smiled.

"Of course they are. As long as you're my maid of honour, sis." said Kati, as Nicole smiled.

"I would be honoured." she replied, with a smile.

"So... Liam and Leila?" asked Kati, intrigued by the names.

"Yeah. I've always wanted to have a son named Liam. And Mike wanted a daughter named Leila so bad, so we figured... Liam and Leila." she answered.

Kati couldn't help but smile at her sister in law.

She seemed okay with having twins.

Guess all she needed was someone beside her, someone to talk to.

She felt so much better, knowing she wouldn't go through this alone.

Meet The MorgansOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara