Meet The Morgans

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For the rest of the day, Kati worked with a frown on her face.  Knowing it wasn't Louis' fault, she tried to put on a brave face and be strong for him.

Louis was one of the guys she always turned to when she needed advice.  Even though he was diagnosed with Asperger's at 13, she didn't look at him different.

Regardless of him having a mental disability, he was still her favourite cousin.  Her father and Louis' mother were brother and sister.

She didn't know how she was going to get through this day.

She picked up her cellphone and dialled Will's number.

"Hey, baby.  What's up?" his cheerful voice greeted.  "Listen Will.  Uhm..  I'm going to be working late.  I have admin to catch up on.  I don't know what time I'll be home." she said.

"Oh... well, don't work too hard, then.  I still wanna snuggle with you." he said, as she smiled.

"I know, babe.  And I'm sorry.  But I have to work." she said. 

"Okay, then.  See you later?" his hopeful voice asked. 

"Maybe.  Bye." she said.

"Bye, baby.  I love you." he said.

"Love you, too." she said, clicking off.  She put her phone face down beside her.  The rest of the workers were mad busy, yet she just sat there, tapping her pen on the edge of her desk.

Drawing up the plans for various inventions wasn't easy.  Manufacturing it was much less easy. 

A ton of work.

Nothing would bring her aunt back, she knew. 

Her workers were very hard at work, getting everything done.  What they didn't finish today was tomorrow's worries.

She sighed as she looked around the room from her office.  It had been a week since she and Will were intimate. 

She gazed at her engagement ring, feeling bad.

Other people were in abusive relationships.

Others are forced against their will.

So she was lucky.  Will was a gentleman.  He never laid a hand on her.  Except when he lost his temper.

He was in therapy for his jealousy issues.

"I just hope Will doesn't mind.  I have a lot of work to catch up on.  Admin and the like." she said, more to herself than anyone.  She didn't know what else to do.

In a month she had her wedding.  A week from now would be her hen party, and engagement party.

She hasn't even bought a dress yet.  For the engagement party.

She couldn't deny that she had a bad feeling about this.

Her engagement party, that is.  She kept feeling like something unexpected was going to happen

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