Meet The Morgans

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Will paced up and down in his bedroom, feeling uncomfortable

He ran his hand through his hair, gazing at Kati, as she stood in front of the bathroom sink, brushing her teeth.  Her usually naturally straight hair was now hanging in curls all around her shoulders.

He gazed at her, towel wrapped around her small frame. She was roughly about a shoulder length shorter than he was.

Yes, she was short for her age, but her maturity would astound you.

She didn't act like a typical teenager, even though she looked like one. 

She proceeded to take her make up off, staring at her reflection.

The person in the mirror staring back at her, her ocean blue eyes sparkling, her dark hair cascading in waves down her back.

She had raven hair, always confused for black.  Very few people had blue eyes and dark hair.

She hummed as she rinsed out her mouth, and toothbrush.

Then she dragged a comb through her long, dark hair.

She and Will didn't do anything out of the ordinary that evening, except make out. Her blowing him as well.

He walked into the bathroom, placing his hands carefully on her hips, careful not to drop the towel.

He planted a soft, loving kiss on her neck as her eyes fluttered closed, her head falling back onto his shoulder.

"Hey, baby." he greeted. She smiled at him. Her head turned to face his, her body following shortly after.

She took in the sight before her, a towel wrapped around his waist, his deep V-line poking out just slightly above the towel.

His sculpted and toned six pack, his large biceps, and his amazing light brown eyes staring lovingly at her beautiful ocean blue ones.

For a moment, they just stood,  staring at each other.

Her hands went up to meet his abs, tracing the line of his abs with her beautifully manicured nails.

His hands still on the towel, he pulled her closer to him, her arms wrapping around his neck.

He had never felt this close to anyone in his life! Just looking at Kati made him realise how lucky he was. Very few people got a second chance at love, and on rare occasion... life.

Will swore Kati was the woman of his dreams. It took him long enough to find her. All he wanted was for her to be happy. It broke his heart to see her sad

And sometimes... he was the cause of it. The times he slapped her or called her names... it didn't sit too well with him, and hurt him worse than he'd admit.

She was always there for him. Supporting him through thick and thin. He wondered what he did to deserve her.

"Anything on your mind, babe?" she asked, looking into his eyes.

He just smiled st her, taking her hands in his, kissing her knuckles.

"Just... how lucky I am to have you." he said, with a shrug of his shoulders.

He once wanted to buy her a Yorkshire (Yorkie) terrier puppy, her favourite dog. But couldn't, because she was allergic to any animal with fur or hair.

It messed up her sinus, and she sounded like she had the worst cold in the world.

She smiled at him. "I'm the lucky one. Because of you, I... I can't stop smiling. This bond between us... you in my heart? I have no words." she said, as he placed his thumb and forefinger under her chin, and tilted her head up to look at him.

Meet The MorgansWhere stories live. Discover now