Meet The Morgans

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"Uh, my wife just went to sleep.
What did you want to talk about?" he asked.

She exhaled before she answered his question.

"About... us. When can we meet?" she asked. There was a pause.

"I'm free for lunch tomorrow. Meet me at Pete's. Then we can discuss." he said, as she nodded.

"Its a deal. Thank you, Grayson." she said, smiling to herself.

"Are you sure William won't mind? He beat my ass when he saw what happened... between you and me. I... almost swore about you." he admitted.

"Don't worry about it, Grayson. Besides, we're just having lunch together." she said as he nodded.

(Which she assumed).

"Nothing wrong with lunch between exes." he said, as she nodded.

"Yeah. I guess. Grayson, I..." she said, but hesitated.

Should she tell Grayson she was engaged? Wondering if it shouldn't have been Grayson instead?

Was she doing the right thing, or making a mistake?

"Shh, you don't have to say anything, Kati. I was a jerk, and you didn't deserve it. I'm really sorry." he said, and she could hear the regret in his voice.

"Its okay, Grayson. You were at a difficult stage in your life. I forgive you." she assured.

"Wow. I was such a dick to you and you forgive me? I really never deserved you, babe." he said, as she smiled.

Grayson hasn't called her 'babe' in ages, and she missed it.

A lot.

She was having mixed feelings about the whole thing.

Two years ago, she was considering moving to England to further her writing.

Grayson really loved her work.

He called it 'A true work of art written by an angel'.

He always complimented her.

Whenever she had a bad day, he was always there for her with everything she liked. He was always so sweet and romantic to her.

Any book she wrote, she also gave Grayson copies of her book.

"Baby, you will be a world famous writer. Everyone will want to read your work! They will be inspired by it, like I am." he told her.

She smiled at him.

Grayson always encouraged her to follow her dreams.

But, after a while, Grayson became distant. Maybe that's when he met Chloe.

"Hello? Earth to Kati?" asked Grayson.

"Oh, sorry, Grayson. What's up?" she asked.

"I asked whether you're sure you wanna do this. Meet up?" asked Grayson.

"I'm sure, Grayson. More than anything. We have to discuss our current... whatever our relationship is." she said, as he chuckled.

"How about acquaintances' then we'll take it from there?" he suggested.

"Yes, I agree. I don't want things to be weird between us." she said.

"It won't be. I gotta go. It was great to hear your voice, Kati." he said.

"Yours too. Keep well, Grayson. See you tomorrow." she said.

"You as well, Kati. Farewell. May William be the man you always deserve. The man I was too much of an ass coward to be." he said, as she smiled.

"Thank you, Grayson. May you and Chloe both be forever happy." she said.

"Thanks, babe. Keep well. Goodbye." he said, as they both clicked off.

She sighed, as she heard Will enter the room, discarding of his shirt.

"Hey, baby. Miss me?" he asked, pulling Kati into a passionate kiss.

She dropped the phone on her bed.

Will was never one to just pull her into a kiss.

He pulled out of the kiss, and winked at her.

"Baby, I gotta go take a shower. I'll be back soon. Don't miss me too much." he said, with a wink.

She smiled, as he walked off, into their bathroom, closing the door behind him.

She picked up his shirt, and held it close to her.

She couldn't believe she was about to marry this guy!

He was the guy she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

Yes, at times she had doubts, but who doesn't?

After a few minutes, she heard water running.

She decided to tidy up, while she waited for Will.  Whenever he touched her arm, or just held her close... she felt... urges she thought she couldn't control.

She felt herself tighten 'down there' at the thought of his muscular frame hovering over her smaller frame, ravashing her.

His large hands caressing every inch of her body, as he plants soft, loving butterfly kisses all over her body.

She felt a familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Luckily Will couldn't hear her.

"Oh, Will." she said to herself, her mind clouding with dirty thoughts.

She heard the water turn off.

She decided to peak into the bathroom.

He was standing in front of the mirror, a towel wrapped around his waist. Kati couldn't take her eyes off of her fiance.

She looks at his toned abs as he rakes his hand through his wet hair and wonders what it would feel like to be in his arms, to have his strong hands caress her body while feeling every bit of him pressed against her.

"Oh, fuck." Will cursed, under his breath.

"Hey, buddy. This is not the time." he said, feeling himself throbbing.

"Oh, holy shit. Why the fuck... am I so hard? Oh, fuck!" he groaned, as his hand travelled down to his member, giving it a few strokes.

Kati's eyes widened at the sight of Will touching himself. Through the material of his towel.

She didn't see his size, though.

She backed away from the door, sliding down it.

She didn't know Will masturbated!

"Oh, Kati. Oh, f... fuck. Yeah, baby. Right there. Oh, God." she heard him moan.

Her hand flew to her mouth, muffling the gasp that threatened to escape her shocked, parted lips.

He was masturbating to her!

She didn't know what to think or how to react.

She'd be lying if she said she didn't do the same thing when she was alone.

She also had urges.

She sometimes touched herself.

Whenever she was alone and Will wasn't around.

Meet The MorgansWhere stories live. Discover now