Meet The Morgans

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Will's younger sister passed away a few months after her accident.

She was only 16.

Will absolutely adored his sister, and missed her everyday.

That was before Kati and him started dating. She went to Grace's funeral, in support of her friend.

She also went to visit Will's family on a regular basis. She got along well with his parents.

Will was always gentle with girls.

Ever since his cousin Martin had a daughter, Will felt like there was something missing in his life

He swore if he ever had a daughter, he would protect her with his life. He would do every and anything for his little girl.

Kati seemed keen on the idea of having his baby. He was so pleased she was willing to have his child!

This was the kind of woman his father told him to find and marry.

'Find a girl who loves you for you and treats you like royalty. One who will never leave your side. If she's good for you, marry her.' his father always said.

Will just nodded his head at his father.  "I promise, Dad. To find my queen someday." he solemnly swore, a vow he promised never to break. 

Will had a busy day at work, finalising documents and going over various meetings with his staff.  He had a long and tiring day at work, but he stuck it out.

As soon as the day was done, well his work... he went home and prepared a lovely meal for him and Kati.

He smiled to himself as he thought about Kati's words the previous evening.

"Babe, I promise you: If we ever have a girl, we'll name her after your sister."

How sweet was that?

He couldn't help the smile that form on his face everytime he thought of Kati.

"She wants to have my baby. She wants to name her after my sister. Yeah, she never knew Grace, but she would've loved her. She was such a sweet girl who never got on anyone's bad side.

Most people would call her a goody-goody two shoes. I swear, if I catch that punk Derrick that caused my sister's accident... I hope they give him life in prison." he growled to himself.

He wasn't an easy person to deal with if he lost his temper. He was quite scary when he got angry.

He would through and break things.

With how strong he was... it was no surprise if he could easily flip a glass coffee table with one hand.

He also worked out his frustrations. When he found out Grace and her boyfriend Derrick got into a car accident that night... he was beyond pissed.

He loved his sister and hated the idea of anything bad happening to her.

She was his best friend.

He also looked at the last picture she took before her accident.

He also looked at the last picture she took before her accident

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He smiled at how beautiful she looked.

"I love you, baby sis. Rest In Peace, my darling." he said, as he finishes up the meal.

Kati would be home any minute!

"Crap, I forgot the champagne!" he said, pulling out the bottle and two glasses.

He dished up and set the food on the table, pouring the champagne in the glasses.

Kati's car pulled up, and he heard a faint 'beep' sound outside, signalling she locked her car.

In she walked, carrying her briefcase.

She placed it at the door and gasped at the sight.

"Wow, Will. What is going on?" she asked, walking up to him.

"It would be Grace's 17th birthday today. Even though she's celebrating her first birthday in heaven... we'll celebrate her life here on earth." he said, handing Kati a glass and kissing her cheek.

She could see how strong he was trying to be, for her and his sister.

But she wanted him to be strong for himself.

He didn't need to pretend he wasn't hurting. She wanted him to take time for himself.

"Babe, I know this is hard for you. Not having Grace around really hurts you, and I can tell you wanna let go of that pain. Just know, I'm here for you, babe." she assured, pulling him into a comforting hug.

"Thanks, baby. Having your support means the world. I don't know how you put up with me." he said, as they sat down to the lovely meal.

"Hey, tonight is about Grace. Let's watch videos of her. And... I love you. That's why I stand by you." she said, pecking his lips.

"How on earth did I get lucky to have you?" he asked, as she shrugged. You saved my heart from Grayson." she pointed out, as he smiled.

She got up to put a dvd disc in the dvd player. They were watching videos of Grace's life

She always had a smile on her face. The most carefree person you'd ever meet.

Will sniffled, his eyes glues to the flatscreen tv. "Will, you can't catch me!" called a younger Grace over the screen. "Oh, I will, you marshmallow!" he called back, running after her.

Grace looked like she was about 6 years old in the video.

"She really loved making me chase her." he said, wiping a tear from his eye.

Kati sat on Will's lap, as she fed him, since he didn't seem to have the energy to do it himself.

(It was hard for him not to cry over losing his sister).

"Baby, I can't watch anymore. I'm sorry. Excuse me." he said, as she got up, taking his plate into the kitchen.

He got up off the couch, storming into the upstairs bedroom, and into the adjoining bathroom. He threw his clothes off and got into the shower. He set the water on cold, because he felt anger burn inside of him. His hatred towards Derrick for causing his sister's death.

"What kind of a sick fuck drives head on into a fucking tree?!" he growled. "Derrick will pay for the murder of my sister. I won't show that assholic bastard mercy. He will pay!" he sobbed.

His body trembled as he let the water drip down his back.

He turned the water off after his shower, and got out, wrapping a towel around his waist, walking into the bedroom.

He pulled on his underwear and pajama bottoms, comfortable slippers, and crawled into bed, closing his eyes, letting the warm tears fall down his cheeks.

Kati was downstairs, tidying the kitchen.

She didn't mind, though. She shut the tv and dvd off, walking up to her bedroom.

She decided to grab a quick shower, and was quite quick. She wanted to comfort Will, even at the risk if he hit her.

She pulled on her pajamas after her underwear, and crawled into bed, joining her boyfriend.

She pulled him closer to her, as he wrapped his arms around her body, crying into her neck.

She ran her hands through his hair, kissed his forehead and sang him a song.

'She's Gonna Shine'.

Will trembled in her arms, at the sweet words. Those lyrics perfectly described Grace. Word for word!

Will never knew Kati could sing, let alone so well! She had a soft toned voice, which was very angelic. A rare combination.

He couldn't open his eyes. He was too heartbroken.

(Its a very beautiful song with sweet lyrics. You'll feel the emotion if you listen to it).

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