Meet The Morgans

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Although she couldn't put her finger on it, Kati was getting anxious about her upcoming wedding.

Instead of feeling excited, she felt more nervous than anything.

She was getting married, at 23!

Lots of thoughts burned in her head.

Until her cell phone rang and she was quick to answer it.

"Kati Ross, hello?" she answered.

"Hello, Poppet.  How are you?" asked a familiar voice.

"Uncle Adam!  Its so good to hear your voice!" she chirped.  Adam was her mother's elder brother, who moved to England for work.

He always referred to her as 'poppet'. 

"I'm good, Uncle Adam.  How about you?  How's England?" she asked. 

"Oh, the bloody rain won't bloomin' stop, but furthermore, jolly.  What's news, Poppet?" he asked, as she smiled.

"Uh... Mom and Dad are still together.  Mikey's gonna be a dad soon and I'm getting married next month." she said.

"Crikey!  And whom shall I ask is this lucky fellow?" he asked.

"His name's William Morgan and he owns a bank as well as a few other businesses.   I met him last year on Daddy's yacht, and we hit it off right away.  He makes me so happy, Uncle Adam.  I wish you could meet him." she said.

He whistled when he heard she would be wed the following month.

Her mind wandered.  Thinking about Louis, Nicole, Michael and Will.  How well the four of them got on.

"And what about Grayson?  You know, I never liked his field of work, but I loved his company.  He was good for you." asked her uncle, as she sighed.

"I know, Uncle Adam.  Its just... he told me he was married.  For about a year and a half.  I didn't know how else to take it." she admitted.

"Sorry, Poppet.  But this 'William' fellow? Does he treat you right?" he asked, as she smiled.

"Yes, Uncle Adam.  Better than ever." she gushed, smiling.

She also finished her admin, while she was on the phone. 

She typed an email to her publisher to let him know she won't be writing any books any time soon.

Her workers left, and she sighed.

This was going to be a long night.

There just wasn't enough coffee in the world to keep her awake. 

Also, running an electronics company wasn't easy.

All the filing, inventions, planning... R and D department...

Tech conferences.... going away on business, and planning a wedding?!

Her plate was full.

She had a lot to do.  When she saw how many files she's finished, she groaned.  Only a few!!

She had an entire file cabinet to go through.

How long would this take?!

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