Meet The Morgans

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After a few days, Will came to terms with Kati's pregnancy news.

He told her that he would try his best, for the sake of their baby.

She smiled to herself, glad he accepted it.

The following Saturday evening, they got ready for their engagement party.

Will chose a black suit, with dress shoes and a bow tie.

When they got dressed up for events, they went all out.

Kati opted for a simple blue sequined dress, low silver heels, minimal make up and a few jewels.

She walked down the stairs, adjusting her earrings.

Her wavy black hair lay blown out on her shoulders.

She decided to have it cut to shoulder length.

She glanced at her fiance, who stared at her in awe and wonder.

"Wow, baby girl. You look amazing!" he gushed, as he took her hand in his.

They locked the door behind them, and went on their way.

Kati felt a bit of nausea creep up, and it subsided for a while.

When Will had this vision, he wasn't expecting Kati to be pregnant!

While she was getting ready, he got a text that made his stomach drop.

'Tonight's the big night. William Morgan's big secret will be revealed. I can't wait to see the look on Kati's face when she finds out about us. This dirty secret you've been keeping from her.'

"She can't find out. She mustn't!" he mumbled.

"Anything on your mind?" asked Kati, looking at her fiance.

"Just... hope Justin and Gary keep their eyes to themselves." he said.

Justin and Gary were William's co workers. Kati once dropped off papers for him, and they wolf whistled when they saw her.

"Come over here, baby." said Gary. "Sit on Daddy's lap."

She gave them a look of pure disgust.

"Come ride Daddy's fat cock, baby girl." said Justin, as she groaned.

Then she proceeded to give Will a steamy kiss, just to piss those guys off.

"Don't worry, babe. I'm here for you. And Aiden. Or Grace." she said.

"Aiden?" he asked. Aiden was the name of Will's grandfather, who passed away due to a heart attack, followed by lung failure.

"You wanna honour Pop by naming our child after him?" he asked, as she nodded.

"I know how much Pop meant to you." she said, as he wiped away a stray tear.

"Hey, I'm pregnant. I should be emotional, not you." she teased, as he laughed.

"Sorry. You ready?" he asked, as they pulled up at the hall.

"Mm-hm." she responded.

Together, they got out of the car. He locked it, and they walked in, hand in hand.

Somehow, Kati had a gut feeling something unexpected was going to happen.

"Here they are, Ms Kati Ross and Mr William Morgan!" was announced.

Whistles and cheers filled the room.

The guests were all dressed up.

Kati smiled at each and every one of them.

Nervous, but she hid it well. Her eyes fell on Justin and Gary, who winked at her with lust evident in their eyes.

Soon, the party was in full swing, as Kati and Will mingled with their guests.

She was all smiles, as she gazed fondly at her fiance, who was chatting with his parents. They cast a glance her way, smiling.

Suddenly, a thunderous 'BOOM' was heard, followed by the room filling with smoke.

The large doors swung open, and Kati heard the 'click-clack' of heels on the tiled floor.

As the smoke cleared, there stood a girl she'd never seen before, bit looked eerily familiar.

"Did you miss me?" she asked, as she slowly did a 360.

"Casidy!" said Mrs Morgan.

"What are you doing here?!" asked a flustered Mr Morgan.

How did they know her?

"Isn't it obvious? I came in support of the happy couple." she said, swiping a glass of champagne from the nearest passing waiter.

"What are you doing here?" Will asked, as he stood face to face with her.

"Aw, William, baby... I came to see you." she said, downing the drink and placing it on the nearest table.

"Oh, Will. The sex was so good between us!" she said, as he gave her a look of disgust.

"Leave my party, Casidy. Now!" he bellowed.

"Will, who is she?" asked Kati, with a shaky voice.

"William, you never told her about me?" asked Casidy, in mock shock.

"I'm disappointed in you, William. Kati, I'm Will's twin sister." she said, ever so calmly.

Kati gazed at them in complete shock, as everyone else soon followed her emotion.

She looked at Will, who had a look of shame on his face, gazing at the floor.

She slowly walked up to them.

"Will, is this true?" she asked. He sighed as he looked at her.

"Yes, its true. Casidy is... my fraternal twin sister." he said.

"Why didn't you tell me about her? That you slept with her? Your own twin!" she yelled.

"Baby girl, I... was going to. But I didn't know how." he said.

"When?! The day we say 'I do'? Our honeymoon, our child's birth?! When?!" she screeched.

"Soon, I promise!" he insisted.

"Liar! I can't even look at you! Come on, girls. We're leaving!" Kati said, as Jenny and Louise followed her out.

"Kati..." Will called after her. But it was too late. She was out the door.

He looked at Casidy with rage in his eyes, while she just smirked, arms folded.

"Are you happy now? You drove away the woman I love!" he

"Me?! You never told her about us. This is all your fault." said Casidy, in a calm tone.

"You're right. I should've told her. But do not even think of pinning this shit all on me. You fucking cause trouble wherever you go! Do you enjoy ruining people's lives?!" he spat.

She just stared at him.

"Because of you, I might have lost Kati forever! She probably won't marry me in two weeks!" he said, his voice breaking.

"You drove away the only woman I love! Thanks a lot." he said, running out.

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