Meet The Morgans

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"Kati?" the voice whispered.

He walked in, just as Grayson was about to hit Kati with some big news.

(No, his wife wasn't pregnant.)

"Kati, what are you doing here?" the owner of the voice asked.

"Oh, Mike. Sorry. I'm just having lunch with my friend, Grayson."
she pointed out.

"Does Will know about this?" he asked. as she rolled her eyes.

"No, and if you say anything to him, I will cut your ass." she said, as Grayson sniggered.

"Kitty, I'm just worried about you. I don't wanna see you get hurt." he said.

"You're not Dad. And I appreciate you watching out for me, but honestly... I can take care of myself. I'm marrying Will soon, and you can't stop me!" she said, as Grayson gasped.

"You're getting married?" asked a shocked Grayson.

"Uh, yeah. I was about to tell you that until Michael walked in." she said.

"Oh. Well, congratulations." he said, smiling at her.

Michael just shook his head and walked off.

"Thanks, Grayson. Will you be available? Will and I don't have a date yet, but... I would love for you to attend." she said.

"I would love to attend your wedding, but... I'm moving to Australia in a few days. I got a job working at their hospital. Chloe and I are starting our life there." he said, as she nodded.

"We'll still keep in touch though... right?" she asked.

"Of course. Nothing wrong with friends staying in touch." he said, as she smiled.

She was really hoping he would attend.

Oh, well.

They had a lovely lunch, and Grayson paid the bill. After greeting and congratulating each other, they went their separate ways.

Kati made her way back to work, rethinking everything.

She hoped she and Grayson would still hang out.

They're friends now.

But why move to Australia?

Wow, this was some big news to follow.

Like, a bitter pill that gets stuck in your throat, forming an uncomfortable, distasteful texture in your mouth.

She shook her head as she decided to focus on her work.

She glanced at the ring on her finger.

It all dawned on her.

She was an engaged woman, about to be married, who still had some mixed feelings about her upcoming wedding.

Most people would argue that it was just nerves, but to Kati... it was more than that.

This was a journey of a new life she was sharing with Will, unsure and unaware of what the future holds for both of them.

No, Will has only ever treated her fair, so why was she feeling this way?

It was obvious he wanted to marry her, so why did she feel like something was missing?

Grayson was leaving with his wife, and starting a new life in Australia. 

Her brother Michael was about to become a father for the first time to twins.

Why was everyone moving on so quickly?

Louise and Jenny were working late most nights, so she barely got time to see them.

Meet The MorgansWhere stories live. Discover now