Meet The Morgans

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How hard could it be to find a date?

Will tossed and turned. The uncertainty was getting to him.

That night, as they lay in bed, he tossed and turned.

'Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the engagement party of William and Katherine! Please welcome our guests of honour, William, and his beautiful bride to be... Katherine!' a voice announces that filled the large mess hall of Morgan Enterprises. Chandeliers shone dim lights on the reception, as the crowd gasped at the happy couple's grand entrance.

They rode in on a horse and carriage. Will was let out, dashing in a black suit as he helped out Kati, who shimmered in a gorgeous designer blue evening gown.

The horse was lead outside, along with its carriage.

Will took Kati's delicately manicured hand in his as he lead her to the middle of the crowded room, greeted and congratulated by guests.

Kati couldn't keep the smile off her face as the party was in full swing. Will smiled at his blushing fiance.

He couldn't believe his luck! He was about to be married! To the most beautiful woman in the world. She turned to look at him with a smile on her face.

'This is crazy!' she whispered to him, as he nodded. 'It is. This is all for us!' he whispered back, as he kissed her forehead.

'Oh, William, dear. Please do come over!' his mother called, as he obeyed.

'Yes, Mother?' he asked, as she smiled at her son, pulling him into a motherly hug.

'I can't believe my baby's getting married!' she chirped, on the brink of tears.

Will pulled out of her hug, placing his hands on her trembling shoulders.

'Its okay, Mother. You don't have to cry.' he assured.

His father gave him a pat on the back. 'Congratulations, son. You found a good one. We can't wait to have Kati as our daughter in law.' he said, as Will smiled.

His parents loved Kati. As if she was their own daughter!

'I'm glad you love her, Dad. She's my rock. I couldn't do anything without her support.' Will admitted.

'I know managing a bank isn't easy, son. How about becoming face of the company?' asked his father, as he gasped.

He wasn't expecting that! Sure, he managed the bank his parents company owned. They built the Enterprise together.

But to be offered that prestigious role? It was a high honour, and a lot of responsibility.

If anything goes wrong... it would reflect on Will.

He took a moment to process it.

But before he could answer, there was an interruption.

"Well, well, well. This cosy! Don't I get an invite to the party?' asked a voice neither one of the Morgans wanted to hear.

They turned to the owner of the voice, and gasped.

'Casidy?' asked Will, in disbelief.

He woke up with a start. What a nightmare! He was panting as he gazed over at a soundly sleeping Kati. He couldn't believe what he saw.

Casidy was back?! In a dream of his?

No, it was only a dream. That's all it was. It had to be!

It didn't help that she texted him over and over again.

He swore he never wanted to see her ever again!

He tried so hard to forget her.

He never even mentioned her to Kati, because he was too embarrassed by what she did.

He threw the covers off, and made his way into the kitchen, grabbing himself a bottle of cool water from the fridge and gulped a big sip.

" Jesus, this can't be happening!" he whispered to himself. Of all things to bother him, this had to be it?!

Dammit, man. He was in the middle of planning a wedding!

He did not need this stress!

"Why? Why are you bothering me, Casidy?" he asked himself, sighing.

"Fuck, if Kati asks, I will have to think up some excuse to put her mind at ease. She cannot find out about Casidy. She must never find out! This will not end well." he told himself, pacing up and down.

He ran his hands through his hair in frustration and gritted his teeth.

"Just not Casidy. Anybody but Casidy! I'd rather have Grace haunting me than that horrid witch!" he whisper-scolded himself, afraid to wake Kati.

This wasn't going to be easy

Meet The MorgansHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin