Meet The Morgans

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And what a peaceful sleep it was! No annoying sounds, no buzzing phones, not a peep!

Kati woke up, feeling refreshes and ready to take on the day.

She also gave her number to the caterers so that they could discuss the menu for her wedding a month from now.

She was stressed, but did her best not to show it.

She got ready for work, wondering what the hell was she thinking the previous night.

To have sex with her fiance? She was beyond embarrassed. That's not something she usually did.

Hm, guess that Christina Aguilera song was right. 'Not Myself Tonight'. -'Cause I'm doing things that I normally won't do'-

She admitted that at some point in life, we all experience that. Doing things we normally won't do.

Masturbation, drinking, smoking, drugs, you name it.

But the question is 'Why do we do that?' Is it to fit in? Because its cool? Because our 'friends' trick us into it? What was the proper answer to such a question?

She shook the negative thought out of her head and walked into work.

"Good morning, Ms Ross!" her staff greeted.

"Good morning, everyone." she greeted, with a smile.

"How's the wedding planning going?" asked her assistant, Calvin.

(I can't remember the name of her assistant, so let's just pretend its 'Calvin'.)

"Ask me again in a month, and I'll tell you." she teased, as he gasped.

"You're getting married in a month!?" he exclaimed, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Okay, now that the secret's out." she mumbled.

"Yes, its true. I am getting married in a month and I need everyone present here... to keep me calm so that I don't fizzle out. Understood?" she asked, as her staff nodded.

"Although, truth be told: if I do fizzle out, then I will be attached to another object by an inclined plane wrapped heelicly around an axis." she said, as they gasped.

(Sorry, I don't know how to spell that word :( )

"You can't be screwed. You're the best scientist this company has ever seen. Apart from your father, of course, but still." Calvin insisted, as she gave a weak smile.

"Thanks, Calvin. It means a lot that you guys have my back. Now can we get back to work?" she asked, as he smiled.

"We've been doing research on physics." he started, as she nodded.

"Explain physics to me, Calvin." she instructed, as he nodded.

"Physics is the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy."  he answered, as she nodded.

She was testing their knowledge on science and physics. That was what her day was about.

"Very good, Calvin. Now, who can tell me where the word 'physics' is derived from?" she asked.

"The word 'physics' comes from the Greek word for 'nature'. Late 15th century plural of obsolete physic physical (thing) suggested by Latin physica, Greek phusika 'Natural things' from phusis 'nature'. explained Muriel, as Kati smiled.

"That is correct." she said.

"Alright, everyone. Back to work!" she said, as they all made their way to their work stations.

After about two hours, her phone lit up, a text message evident on her phone screen.

She opened the message to read what it had said.

'Will you meet us at lunch?' - N.

She shook her head, mulling her options.

'Maybe. We'll see. What's up?'-K.

'Its about... my babies. Can't talk over the phone need to see you in person and Pete's.'- N

Wow, Pete's was a popular restaurant! They did serve the best chicken meals there...

'Okay, I'll be there. See you soon.' she texted.

What was going on? Since when did Nicole get nervous?

Was she afraid of labour? No, she was due in two months.

All women fear labour pains, she thought.  Wasn't sure if it was true.

Guess she'd have to wait for lunch to find out why Nikki wanted to see her...

Meet The MorgansWhere stories live. Discover now