Meet The Morgans

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"Okay, let's not get things twisted.  Maybe you ate something bad, and now your stomach is reacting to it." she tried to assure and reason with herself.

She flushed the toilet and went to the basin to rinse her mouth and wash her hands.

She always kept a pack of mints in her desk drawer. 

She walked out of the bathroom, and made her way to her desk to finish her work.

She had been busy for four hours!

She packed up all her things and made her way outside of the building.

She locked it after turning off all the lights.

She made her way to her car.

As she unlocked it, she glanced at her watch.  It was already past 21:00.

She got in. buckled herself in, and closed the door.

She places the key in the ignition and the car started up.

She drove off, carefully watching the road.

She took good care of her car. 

"Okay, Kati.  Let's not freak out.  It could be something you ate your stomach doesn't agree to.  But just to be safe, let's buy a few pregnancy tests." she said, pulling into a garage.

She had to fill her car up, anyway.  Good thing she ran out of gas as she pulled in.

An attendant walked up, as she instructed him on what was needed.

When she parked, she grabbed her purse and made her way into the store.  Noe she felt embarrassed

She made her way to the till.

"May I help you, Miss?" asked the cashier.

"Uh, yes.  Could I please have... four of those pregnancy tests boxes?  Its for a friend of mine." she lied.  Well, the last part was a lie.

"Certainly, Miss.  Would you like anything else?" asked the cashier.

She suddenly had a craving for beef jerky and a few other snacks.

"Some beef jerky, please.  And some chips, soda, chocolate and candy." she said.

"How many packs of chips?" asked the cashier.

"About... five." she said, feeling a little hesitant. 

The cashier rang up the items and gave her the price.

She paid with $180.  "Keep the change." she said, as the cashier smiled. 

"Thank you, Miss.  Have a good evening." he said.

"You're welcome. Same to you... Charlie." she said, reading his name tag.

She took the bag, and walked out.

Nerves filled her whole body.  She was nervous about taking the test.

She kept trying to convince herself that it wasn't pregnancy.  Just a bug, or something.

As she got into her car, she paid the attendant the price for gas for her car, wished him well, and drove off.

She pulled up into their driveway.  She parked her car, got all the things she needed out, and locked the car. 

She slowly walked into the house, placing the snacks in the kitchen.

She made her way into the hallway bathroom and closed the door behind her.

She sat down, pulled out a pregnancy test from its box and did as was instructed on the box.

She placed the stick on the basin zinc. 

She flushed the toilet and washed her hands.  After she pulled up her underwear.

After two minutes, the test stick beeped. 

She carefully picked it up to see the results. 


"Oh, shit.   I'm pregnant." she said, shocked by the results.

Meet The MorgansDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora