Meet The Morgans

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She and Alyssa seemed to bond really well.

Kati was torn between accepting the cute onesie Will bought.

Or sending it back.

A white onesie that read 'I'm a baby, what's your excuse?'

Since he told her the truth and moved out of their house, she's felt more... lost and emptier inside.

She felt as if she was falling down a deep, dark hole.

Being consumed by a broken, heavy heart.

She couldn't bring herself to answer his calls.  Or his texts or video chats.

So she just sat there, staring into space.  Her mind filling with many thoughts.

Has he ever kept secrets from her before?  Has he been unfaithful?

Has he lied?  Had a secret wife, like Grayson?  No... Grayson was her first love.  She could never forget him.

They'd been together for four years!  She exhaled, shaking the thought out of her head.

She absentmindedly carried on with her work.  Designing the 'Anti-Clumsy Phone'.

She wanted it to be a good invention.  A phone that wouldn't crack, or break if it fell.

As she focused on her work, she didn't notice her phone light up with a new text message.

From Michael, her brother.

She was so in the zone, that nothing would catch her attention.  Not even in the slightest.

When Kati focused, it was as she were on another planet!

You would think she was ignoring you.

Kati was a very forgiving person, but now it would take her a while to get over the news.

It had been three days since the party, and the wedding was in a week.

Should she go through with it, or call it off?

Meet The MorgansWhere stories live. Discover now