Meet The Morgans

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Kati Ross is your average go getter. She's an aspiring writer and already released her first book of original poems at the age of 16!

Currently, she is mulling her options about furthering her writing.

"I'm just not sure its for me" she groans to her best friends, Jenny and Louise.They've been friends since they were five years old and have been inseparable since. "Just because your second book didn't sell as well as your poems, doesn't mean you're heading for disaster." said Jenny.

"Yeah" agreed Louise. "You can't give up! That's not the Kati we know!"

Kati sighed. Maybe her best friends were right. She wasn't a failure. She just had to keep trying! How hard could it be? "Has Grayson texted you yet about your date?" asked Jenny, as she twirled a strand of her long brown hair in between her freshly manicured fingers. She was a beauty major.

Kati shrugged as she searched through her large walk in closet for something decent to wear.

"No, not yet." she admitted. "Oh, do you think he's gonna propose?" Louise asked, a little too eagerly. She loved romance.
She was studying counselling.  Mainly marriage.  Kati sighed.
"Grayson has been acting weird lately. But I guess that's what work does to you. Stresses you out." she vaguely pointed out.

"Oh, it can't be that much work if you're a doctor!" Jenny groaned.  Kati just chuckled at her friend.

She let out an exasperated groan.
"Please help me find something to wear! I want Grayson to drool when he sees me. My Daddy's hosting another party on his yacht." she chirped excitedly.

Her dad was a rich billionaire, that owned his famous science company, Ross Enterprises.
Kati's mother, Joan, was a tough business woman, who always negotiated deals to keep her husband's business thriving.

Kati's elder brother Michael was a banker, and just loved his little sister. Her parents were also friends and business partners with Grayson's parents, the Millers. That was were Kati and Grayson met a few years ago. At a business party his parents hosted.

Truth be told, he wasn't into it, up until he met Kati. They were excused to get to know each other, which they did.


"Hey, I'm Grayson." he introduced. Kati was mesmerised by his good looks. Green eyes, dark hair, and a killer smile.
How could any guy be this good looking and get away with it?
"Kati." she smiled, shaking his hand. "What you drinking there? Punch? Let me fill it up for you." he offered, as she smiled, handing him her red solo cup.
He topped her up with another helping of punch, and handed it to her, sipping his own.
She thanked him, as he took a sip.
"So... what do you do for a living, Kati? If you don't mind my asking." Grayson said, staring deep into her ocean blue eyes, as he took another sip of his drink.
"I'm a writer." she started. "But I'm gonna take over Ross Enterprises in a few years after my dad retires." she explained.
"Cool. I'm studying to be a doctor. Fifth year, actually. My mom's been up my ass about continuing the family business, when she knows full well medicine is my passion." he said, as she smiled.
"She just wants you to succeed. Any field in particular you're studying?" she asked, sipping her punch. "Oncology." he admitted.
"Wow. That's a tough field." Kati said, sounding impressed.
"Yeah. After my Gramps died of cancer some years ago... It made me realise that I had to make a difference in the world, you know? How about you?" he asked.
"I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather, Grayson. But I agree. I also wanna make my mark and make a difference with my books but... who reads anymore?" she reluctantly said.
"Hey, cheer up. I'm sure there's tons of people who want to read your books. Me included. Save me a copy every time you launch one." he offered, as she smiled.

End of flashback

"Kati, what on earth are you thinking about for so long?" asked Louise, with a chuckle.
"Oh. Just about when Grayson and I met." she admitted sheepishly, clutching at the gold heart locket Grayson gave to her on their 1 year anniversary.
Now he was being completely distant, shutting her out. She often told her he was just stressed from work. She even went so far as to ask him whether he was cheating on her. Due to him being so distant.
He denied it and assured her that he didn't have time for such things, since he had major emergencies at the hospital.
He also told her he would never do such a thing. She believed him. If only she knew why he was so distant, why he didn't love her anymore...

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