Meet The Morgans

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"I gotta stop by the store. Need anything, baby?" he asked, pulling up at the store.

"Oh, no. I'm fine, thank you." she answered, smiling.

He parked his car, getting out.  She decides to sit back, and relax, smoothing out her skirt. Her phone buzzed, indicating she got a text.

'Hey, sweetheart. We miss you. When will you come visit?' she smiled.

When last did she visit her parents?

'Soon, Mum. I miss you guys, too. Will and I are getting all our wedding plans in order.' she texted.

She exhaled. as she gazed outside the window. Across the street, she spotted a little girl who got a puppy. Kati felt her heart sink.

Being allergic was no joke. She remembered once, Michael got a puppy for Christmas, and she went into a sneezing fit.

She had to be rushed to hospital.

She was severely allergic to animals with fur. Her throat swelled, and her eyes got teary, red, and she broke out in hives.

She needed to take medication to keep the worst of the allergies at bay.

'I'll come see you guys over the weekend.' she texted.

She put her phone away, just as Will walked up, carrying a bag.

"Hey, baby. I got us some snacks for movie night." he said, placing the bag on the seat behind them.

"Hm." she mumbled. "Something wrong?" he asked, as she shook her head.

"No. I just... have this funny feeling." she said.

"What about?" he asked, as he started the car, driving off.

"Work. That's all." she said.

"Okay. Baby, you know if anything bothers you, you can tell me." he offered, as she nodded.

They made their way to their house, and got everything sorted out.

He parked their car. They got into lazy clothes.

He decided to put on a romantic movie. The Notebook.

Her favourite movie. 

As they watched it, munching on their snacks.

Kati was dazed. Not really paying attention on the movie.

Her mind drifted off to Grayson, and what he said.  He was unable to have children. No wonder he acted that way around kids. Always feeling uncomfortable.

It couldn't have been easy to tell her. How hard must it have been for him?

To admit that he's impotent must've been a huge weight off his shoulders.

Will was in tears, watching the movie. Kati wasn't really paying attention. 

She couldn't admit to Will that she still missed Grayson. How sweet he was.  Grayson was her first love. How could she forget him?

He made her feel like a real woman.

Yes, Will spoilt her too, but it didn't feel the same.

What should she do?

Meet The MorgansWhere stories live. Discover now