Meet The Morgans

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Will was every bit concerned about his wedding.

He was a bundle of nerves. He couldn't even decide on a fricking date!

He would be busy at work for the next three months.

Whenever he thought about it, his heart pounded in his chest, and he felt like he couldn't breathe!

Sometimes the stress got to be a bit too much for him.

Life wasn't always easy.

It had its rough moments.

Why was this so stressful?
Why didn't he take his father's advice?

"When you get married, you have to be sure its something you want. Not someone else. They can't just decide that if their relationships are successful, yours will be, too. There is no guarantee in relationships. Not one of them is perfect, but the choice is up to you." he advised.

Pretty solid advice, if you ask me.

Will always thought that to himself.

He loved his father's advice. Especially his mom's.

'Marriage is a beautiful unity between two souls becoming one.'

He loved his mom.

Often he would ask her for advice.

She would give what she thought was best.

Will admired his mother.

He hoped one day his daughter would be just as strong as her grandmother.

He just wished Grace was still around to give him girl advice.

He missed his baby sister, and often cried himself to sleep over her.

He wanted her back, and wanted Derrick to pay for what he did.

Will wasn't the type to just forget and forgive easily.

You'd have to earn his trust again to gain forgiveness from him.

Its not that he was proud... he just couldn't easily forget if you offended or hurt him.

Whenever he lost his temper, he was scary.

And super mean.

But... he and Kati could decide on a date soon. 

How hard could that be?

Meet The MorgansWhere stories live. Discover now