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"Did I had to follow you here?" I groaned, sulking after him.

"Oh, quit whining! It will be fun!" He smiled optimistically.

"Daniel, I'm not sure." He looked back and approached me, "Jihye, listen to me. You've been stressing yourself out a lot lately. And without a reason. That is not healthy for you. I don't know why you started to brag about that random dude, who comes to you in your dreams, but forget about everything just one night, okay?" I nodded my head slowly.

"Do you trust me?"

"Do you trust me?"

"I trust you with my life."

I closed my eyes. His voice again. I relaxed my fist and exhaled slowly. Everything will be fine, Jihye. Breathe.

"I do." It's all he wanted to hear. With that Daniel dragged me into the bar.

"C'mon let's sit." He smiled.

"I'm still not sure how this will help me relieve my stress." I hesitated while holding a glass of alcohol in it.

He shushed me with his index finger in the middle of his lips, "Bottoms up!"

I groaned and made a shot with my eyes closed.

"Nice for the first time!" He took a shot himself.

"Tastes weird." The after taste hit my receptors.

"You'll get used to it." He took another shot...and another...after another.

"Dan, you shouldn't drink this much." I looked at him, my palms under my chin. Bored expression plastered on my face. My eyes were barely open. Looking at him drinking is not the most entertaining activity.

"I- *hiccup* don't feel so good *hiccup*."

I lifted the empty bottle of tequila, "Oh really?"

He closed his eyes, "Uh- *hiccup* huh."

"Hey, hey, hey, don't sleep here! Dan! Daniel?" I mentally face palmed myself. And why I thought this would end up well. I should've stayed home and watched my drama.

"Aww Jihye, you look so cute and chubby."

I looked at him weird, "Did you just call me fat? Thanks, 'friend'."

"You're like a *hiccup* lil sister to me." He leaned closer with smoochies.

"Eww. Now get up, big man. Let's go home." I hooked his one hand around my neck, supporting his body with my one, "So much for going out with you." I slightly lifted him up to keep him in place.

In this position we went out, well technically I went out to grab a taxi.

"Ughh, why no one is stopping?!" I groaned in frustration.

"It's okay, let's just walk. Not so far away anyways." With that our wonderful flower path journey to home began.

"What do you eat to be this heavy anyways?" I lifted him again.

He smiled with his eyes closed, "Organic and healthy food only!" He raised his hand. I smirked at his response.

We turned into the alley when I saw not-so-social people hanging out. I was going to pretend like I didn't notice them, but they had other plans.

One whistled, "Heyy, pretty lady. Mind sharing some money with us?" I heard them shift and high five each other. I scoffed and continued to go.

"Hey, we're asking politely." Three of them approached us.

"And I'm asking you politely to fuck off."

They started to laugh, "Did you just hear her? Daring are we?" He grabbed my hand roughly. I closed my eyes and blew to my bangs.

"Sit here for a while buddy." I left Daniel in the corner, the wall supporting his back, "Jihye? Where are you going? Stay with me!" He started to whine. "I'll be back."

I got up and faced them, "What did you ask for? Money? Come and get it."

They scoffed while smirking, "Girl, you have nine lives or something?"

3rd person POV

"Looks like we have to check." Jihye took off her heels and threw it to the first dude, causing him to fall backward holding his eye. Using the distraction, she pulled the other one to her using his jacket, later on hitting him to his crotch. The third one came to attack her, but Jihye used the second one as a shield and threw both of them back. The first one suddenly got up and grabbed her from the back, the two others got up and approached her, "Looks like eight lives will be left, huh." He tried to caress Jihye's face, but suddenly she punched the one one who was holding her with her head back. Not losing the opportunity, she used a double kick, swaying her leg in the air 180 degrees. At last, all three of 'em were laying on the floor groaning. "Who knew fighting lessons would be useful in life."

Jihye's POV

I was panting hard after, well, let's say a little training. After fixing my hair, I went where Daniel was laying, "Uhh, what would I do without a man like you who can protect me." I smiled, "C'mon, big man." I was going to lift him but the weird smell occupied my nostrils and the only thing I saw was darkness.

3rd person POV

"Her kick is damn strong. Ughh"


"Hey, you got beaten up well too."

"Uh, please. Just look for her wallet and cell phone or whatever you can find. Check that dude too." The guy touched his bruises slightly. Later on, hissing in pain.

"Your mom didn't teach you manners?" An unfamiliar voice was heard.

"Dude, mind your business and run while you can."

"I don't think so."

"Hey midget-" Suddenly his eyes turned bright red, his fangs suddenly grew long and sharp, making the trio startled, "The fuck?"

"Now run- while you can." With that all three of them ran away, tripping on each other.

The man approached unconscious Jihye, who was lying beside Daniel. He caressed her cheek softly, "My brave girl." With that, he took her home after kissing her forehead.


Well this is hell of a chapter.

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