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After collecting all my belongings, I bought a one-way bus ticket.

I examined the piece of paper.

Leaving at 4 pm: It read.


I collected my luggage, ready to leave.

"This is it," I looked at my, now old, apartment one last time and left to the bus station.

"Hey, auntie. The bus is moving now. I'll be there in 3 hours."

"Oh, okay darling. See you soon!"

"Yeah, see you."

I settled on my seat and looked out of the window. A slight migraine was disturbing me after my small break down from the shocking news.

After almost 3 hours of nonstop bus riding, I saw the city sign at last.


The bus came to halt, I grabbed my suitcase with my big gym bag under the seat and got out of the box with wheels, feeling the cool wind pass by my cheeks

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The bus came to halt, I grabbed my suitcase with my big gym bag under the seat and got out of the box with wheels, feeling the cool wind pass by my cheeks.

Spotting my aunt, the first thing I did was to hug her.

"How are you?" I heard her ask.

"Good enough...I'm trying."

"Everything will be good. Eventually." She patted my back.

"Thanks, auntie."

"Let's go?" She asked, pointing to her rented car with her head.

"Yeah." I smiled and followed her after letting out a breath I was holding since forever.

"Things changed a little since your last visit, but I bet you'll like it anyways. You always do." She talked, half of her attention on the road.

"I hope so." I smiled, now looking out through the window.

After about twenty minutes of a car ride, we finally arrived.

"We're here!" She sang, getting out of the car. I'm still amused by her bubbly personality at her age. It feels like she is younger than me sometimes.

"Wow, I almost forgot how it is here." I admired the house from outside, old memories passing through my head, but something caught my attention. Someone was standing in the second-floor window. It was a guy? Someone lives here with grandpa?

"Is this all your luggage?" A sudden feminine voice startled me. I turned to its source, "Y-yeah." But he wasn't there anymore when I turned back. Strange.

We entered the house, auntie in front of me with my luggage in her small hands.

"Tomorrow morning the funeral will be held. So make sure to be ready early, okay?" She informed me.

I smiled softly, acknowledging her words, "Okay. When are you returning to America?"

"The day after tomorrow," she answered, "My family is waiting for me."

"Hm, okay." I nodded, understanding her situation. She was my dad's only sister while grandpa was my mom's father. She couldn't have bothered with me, but she chose to. I'm grateful to her a lot.

"I bought some groceries for you for the first need, so you need to do shopping later, on your own." She informed me, pouring herself something in the kitchen.

"Kay, got it." I traced the wooden walls, that looked aged already. Of course, it's been years.

"I'm going back to my hotel room. Need to manage some business before I leave, too." She put the empty glass in the sink and walking to the entrance.

I frowned, "I still don't understand why couldn't you have stayed with me. The house is huge." Grabbing her handbag, I held it for her to take.

"It's okay, honey. Honestly, I would feel like I'm intruding or worse. Not only for you but for your grandfather too." She smiled softly, small wrinkles decorating her face. She ages well.

I nodded, "Drive safe!" Earning a humm from her, I locked the door.

"I missed this house," I confessed. I spent here for almost half of my life. Feels nice to be back.

I went upstairs to unpack all my stuff and then took a hot shower to relax my muscles from all the bus riding. While standing under the water images of my memories with grandpa flew through my mind again, I didn't fail to spare some tears for the second time today.

Later on, I plopped onto my old bed and got the laptop to look for a job. Well, I have to find one sooner or later, right?

"Looking for a nanny." Am I even good with kids? Skip.

"Looking for an English language tutor." Of course, I know the language. But I'm terrible at teaching or providing any kind of information, so, "Skip."

"Looking for a waiter/barista at a café.." Sounds okay.

Working: 6 hours a day (first shift; second shift for choice)/10 hours (full day).

Really, not that bad.

Phone number: XXXX
Address: XXXX

I'll call tomorrow.

I drifted into a deep slumber after saving the phone number on my phone. Hot shower did a good job.

I hope everything will go well from now on.

But who knew it was just the beginning...


😌 <—— mood

😌 <—— mood

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