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"Holy shit, you live here now? I didn't even know that this kind of house existed in our town. How rich is that dude you dating anyways?" Daniel admired the house boys live in.

"Actually, seven of them live here," I informed.

He became silent, "You dating all of 'em?" He asked confused after reproducing the information.

"God, no! He lives with six of his friends." His mouth turned into an 'o' shape, "And I thought your life was becoming more interesting." I smacked his arm. He chuckled running away from me.


"Mm, this is soo good." He stuffed more lasagna into his mouth.

"Geez, here." I handed him a glass of water, "No one will take your food away, slow down."

"It's just... ugh." He groaned with a full stomach.

"I'm glad you're enjoying my meal." Jin appeared out of nowhere. Daniel jumped slightly, "You scared me."

"Jihye, introduce us?" Jin asked.

"Oh, sure! Jin this is my best friend, Daniel. Daniel, this is one of Yoongi's friends Jin." They shook their hands, "Nice to meet you." Daniel nodded, "Same."

"He smells delicious," Jin whispered into my ear with a smirk. I looked at Daniel, making sure he didn't hear anything and smacked Jin's arm giggling.


"I'll go, Nada is waiting for me." He kissed my cheek. I nodded, "Be safe!" He winked and left the house.

"Being too close again, I see. I need to have a talk with that boy one day." I turned around to see Yoongi, "Oh, do something with him and I'll run away with your doggie." I smirked.

His face looked terrified, "You wouldn't dare!"


"What happened to Miryo?" I decided to ask the question that was bothering me since I came here.

"She was trying to get me back, but then something clicked in her and she confessed that she loves Baekhyun, that she's thankful for everything and regrets trying to separate us." He told the whole story.

"I just knew something was fishy with her." I threw a funny look at him, "Did something happen between you two?"

He shook his head, "Not even close." kissing my lips.


I woke up in Yoongi's bed with the sound of yelling and something breaking. I quickly wore my clothes and ran down to the sound.

"Do y'all really think that if we lost your tracks from Texas we won't find you? You guys are dumb as fuck. At least BE THANKFUL THAT WE CREATED YOU!" Someone yelled. I peeked from the side of the stairs. Once I saw his face, the realization hit me. Four guys who attacked me, Tae and Jimin in the forest. The ones who turned Namjoon.

"Look, what the hell you want? Do you think we have to be your slaves if you turned Namjoon? Get a life man." Hoseok said.

Angry Hoseok is scary. I probably shouldn't be here, but I'm afraid they might see or feel me if I move.

"You bastards, if we've left this leader of yours dying on the ground, you wouldn't even exist." One of them, Mark, if my memories are right, said.

"THEN WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?" Taehyung yelled, going to beat one of them. But Namjoon stopped him.

"The respect we deserve. Plus, you killed one of us, remember?" One of them went to Mark and whispered something in his ear. A smirk spread through Mark's face, "Look who we have here?" With a blink of an eye, he was beside me, holding my hair tight. I hissed in shock and pain.

"Don't you dare to touch her!" Yoongi walked forward.

"Shhh, don't you move, grumpy." He grabbed my neck. My tears were rolling down my cheeks unstoppable. Adrenaline rushed through my veins. I was trembling like I was walking in the cold rain at night. Yoongi stopped his tracks, "Please, let her go. It's our problem to solve."

"Look who's begging." They started to laugh. But then silence occupied the room, "Beg more."

He came to his knees, "Please." A broken sigh escaped his lips. I saw worried faces of boys, but a gaze full of hate from Namjoon...to me.

"Let's go out." He led me outside, still holding my neck. I couldn't even utter a single word.

"Why should I not harm her?" Mark laughed, "Feel all this blood running through her veins, don't you want to suck her out too?"

"Please, just kill me. Leave her alone, please." He started to beg. What are you doing?

"Hm, revenge by killing one of you? Not bad." He let me go. I breathed out everything I was holding in. He went closer and closer to Yoongi. He was sitting there, his eyes closed, ready for anything that was about to come. No, no, no, no.

Mark grabbed his neck and raised his hand to get rid of his head.

"WAIT!" I stopped him at the last second.

"Leave him, kill me! P-Plus, you can get some energy from me too. It's more useful for you." He dropped Yoongi and looked at me.

"Sorry Yoongi, our deal is off. Look what she is affording. We cannot deny such an offer." He came to me and let his fangs out.

"No! Jihye, NO! What are you doing?" Yoongi got up, the other two holding him tight.

"It's okay, Yoongi." I smiled, "I love you."

With that I felt his teeth go through my skin, making two dots on my neck, "NO!"

With each suck, I felt my body getting more and number. My energy was draining so fast. I felt dizzy.

No one dared to move. Boys know that if they try to do anything, they would die immediately. They're just that strong.

With a blurry vision, I saw Jimin crying.

I love you.

After, everything went black.


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