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He groaned and buried his face deeper into the pillow. Not now. He just wanted to sleep. Seriously just let him sleep.

For a few moments she didn't say a thing. He was back to being half asleep, when she nudged him again.

Turning his face halfway so his words wouldn't be entirely swallowed by the pillow he said:

"It's like 3 a. m. Lils. What is it?"

"It's 2 a. m. and I'm hungry."

He lifted his head and gave her a stern look. "You know there is this great invention that keeps food fresh and cool. It's called a fridge and we have one in this room called kitchen. The hallway down to the left, but don't tell anyone."

She scoffed. "You know as well as I do, that its empty. Come on, lets hit up Taco Bell."

"Oh my god, you are actually serious about this."

"Have you ever heard me joking about food?"

Cole turned onto his side and propped his head up on his hand.

"I mean, no, but..."

"Great, lets go!" and before he could say anything more, she was already out of bed, opening the doors to the closet and pulling out a jeans and sweatshirt.

"Okay, when did I actually say I was gonna go along with this?"

"You didn't say it, but I know you are going to anyway." she turned around and threw him a shirt with a smirk.

"What makes you so sure about that?"

"Because you love me, and you can't say no to anything."

"That's pretty manipulative Lils."

She clasped her hands togehter, looked at him and pushed her bottom lip forward. "Pretty please?"

He sighed. "That's unfair and you know it." and after a pause and another sigh. "Okay, fine. Let's go."

30 minutes later

They entered the Taco Bell closest to the apartment and Cole found that he was actually enjoying this. Because given the time and that it was a week day, nobody was around. They had been able to walk the whole way here without encountering a soul.

Which meant, he got to sling his arm around Lili's shoulder while they were walking, without having to constantly watch their backs for people sneaking a picture with their cellphone. He quietly thanked the universe that this was Vancouver and not L. A. where, no matter what time it was, there was always a buzz and the streets seemed to be always busy. Come to think about it, New York might not be the only sleepless city in the United States after all.

Even the Taco Bell was almost deserted, except for some night owls here and there, which were thankfully minding their own business.

Lili nudged him in the side while they were waiting in line for their food and pointed her chin into the direction of one of the other guests. "Look, a Jughead."

Cole turned his head and grinned. She was right, about 20 feet away from them sat a dark-haired guy, typing away on his laptop, a beanie tucked deep into his forehead, with a brooding look on his face. He only lacked the flannel and the Sherpa jacket.

"He pulls it off better than I do." he chuckled and turned his head towards her again.

"Maybe we should give the role to him." she teased.

"Nah." Cole said. "I mean, then I wouldn't be able to do this..." he stole a quick kiss from her. "And get paid for it. Imagine what a miserable life that would be."

She feigned offense. "I knew it, you were only doing it for the money."

"You figured me out." he laughed and pulled her a little closer. "Although, on second thought, there is another reason."

"There is? Interesting. And that would be?" her tone had become all flirty now and he thoroughly enjoyed this little game.

"You're a pretty good kisser." with that, he leaned in, kissing her again, a little longer this time.

Lili smiled when he pulled away. "I can only return the compliment."

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