going back on tour [part 60]

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Sam's POV

I was in my room. All alone. I wasn't allowed off the property. My parents sort of found out I was dating from all the gossip magazines. They thought I was dating Louis but in reality I was dating Liam. I'm not sure if they know that. Maybe they do since they basically know everything.

Once in a while, one of the maids in the house would come and try to talk to me. I didn't like it. I just needed time alone and time to think. My parents had a therapist come talk to me after I attempted suicide. I didn't need her though. I have no idea why the therapist was even here for. I was fine. I just didn't want to live in a world where Liam hates me and my world is just limited to just the house I live in.

Cody sometimes comes and visits me. He was still pretty nice to me. Everyone, except Cody thought I had some sort of depression. Please. I just didn't want to talk to anybody that doesn't make me depressed.

A few days ago my maid told me there was someone that wanted to see me. I immediately threw a fit and told her no but she persisted. After she told the person to go away, she came back in once again. This time she told me to call the number on the paper. I didn't know whose it was and I didn't feel like doing anything so I just tucked it away in my drawer.

Last night, Louis came. I literally hugged him half to death. I don't know why I did that, I guess I was just really happy to see him.

The first thing he said was, "Um..hi?" while he was hugging me in return.

"Louis." His name was the only thing that came out of me. I hugged him tighter after that. I didn't want to let him go. I needed someone there for me.

"Sam...Can't....Breathe." He yelped out.

"Oh." I immediately let go and backed away. "Sorry." I bent down to get my things to go back inside the house.

"Sam!!" He called and then grabbed my wrist and turned me around. "What happened to you? We were looking everywhere for you." He stroked my cheek with his thumb. It was quite nice.

"I-I...panicked and just left. I was sad, frustrated, angry, and felt every other negative emotion." I started to cry at the thought of why I left. I looked down trying to avoid eye contact with him but failed. He lifted up my chin making me look at him.

"We were there to talk to you if you needed to." He sounded sincere.

"You don't understand. Liam hates me. He hates me." I could hear my voice cracking, "My life is over..." It was. There's no one in the world that can make this better except for Liam.

"No it's not babe. Look, Liam loves you more than life. He's constantly trying to find you." He explained, but we all know that's not true.

"You're lying. He changed his number. He wanted to avoid me." He pulled me close to him hugged me. Whenever he hugged me I felt safe in his arms and I wanted to just stay there forever, he was always there for me when I was down.

"Love, we all changed our numbers." He tried to make me stop crying.

"Why? Did you all want to avoid me...?" I let go of him and stood a few steps away from Louis. They all changed their numbers. They all hated me. They were all on Liam's side. What was the point of living on this world.

"No, no, no! Of course not!" He stepped closer to me and held my hands. I immediately let go and backed away even more and shook my head. He's lying.

"You're all lying to me." I whispered to myself and ran back into my house. I went upstairs in my room and just cried into my pillow. Why did they all have to do this to me? They all lied. No one ever tells me the truth now.

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