surprise! [part 11]

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After we ate the mini cake that was brought to us, we left the restaurant. When he had parked the car outside the complex, we both went inside.

“Hey, could use your bathroom for a sec? It’s an emergency and I can’t hold it in any longer.” Louis squirmed.

“Sure.” I unlocked the door and turned on the lights.

“SURPRISE!” I saw Beth, 4 of the other boys and some people from the company jump out. I was really shocked and speechless.

I was actually so happy I cried.

“What’s wrong?” Louis came in and closed the door.

“It’s just I’m really happy. No one’s ever done something like this ever before for me.” I smiled and Louis wiped the tears off my cheek.

“Well then, let’s get this party started!” Louis shouted.

Niall went to the stereo and turned it on. Soon music was being played and everyone started crowding around the tv.

Niall and Harry were in the kitchen while the rest of use were sat in front of the tv watching Louis, Liam and some other coworkers race each other in Mariokart on Wii. Louis won first whilr Liam won third.

Hubs came over to me when Louis handed me his controller after the race. “What’s up boy? I’m going to play something. How about Louis plays with you.” Louis came over and toke care of Hubs while I played the game.

I finished the game with me in third place, and Liam second. Beth crept up behind Liam and wrapped her arms around his neck. She then whispered something in his ear. Sigh. I wish that was me.

I left it be and went over to Louis and Hubs. Louis looked really happy playing with him.

“What are you two up to?” I smiled.

“Just playing around.” Louis got up off the floor, “How you liking the party?”

“It’s nice. I guess.”

“You guess? How about we go down to the bar and get a few?” He winked.

Why not? I mean why torture myself watching Beth and Liam together when I can be happy down at a bar. “Alright! How about we also get Niall, Harry and Zayn?”

“Why not Liam and Beth too?” He asked.

“Umm, well I mean look at them. I guess they could have some alone time you know.” I gave a half smile and went into the kitchen. “You two! Wanna go down to the bar and grab a few drinks to celebrate my birthday?” I cheered.

“Alright let me just finish this.” Niall pointed to a plate of spaghetti.

Harry and Louis laughed, oh these boys. I went out into the living room and tapped Zayn on the shoulder. “Zayyyn, you awake.” He waved his arm telling me to go away and continued to sleep.

“We’re ready!” Harry shouted from the front door. I went over and found my pair of light blue rain boots then put them on.

“Let’s go!”

“Where’s Zayn?” Louis asked.

“Asleep.” I laughed, “Come on, let’s go! Before the sun comes up!” We went out and the rest of the coworkers left as well with us.

Going Crazy - Liam P & Louis TWhere stories live. Discover now