back in the UK [part 32]

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At the airport, we were greeted by a lot of fans. It seemed like there were a million fans. The airport security were nice enough to actually block off the entire terminal just for us. Well, there were the other celebrities there that were arriving and leaving the airport too but ultimately we were the only ones there.

We walked towards security check and to the airplane.

“EEEEEEEEEEEE.” I heard someone screech behind me. 

“EEEEEEEEEEEE!” There it was again.

“Louis.” Niall laughed.

“Typical.” Harry laughed as well.

The plane ride was alright. Airplane food was horrid as always though. Amazingly though the plane ride was a peaceful one, I’m guessing the boys had all their energy drained.

When we landed, there were no fans. It was like a miracle. I guess maybe because our plane ride was delayed by a lot and we arrived in London at about 3 in the morning.

I nudged Louis, “Wake up sleepy head.” I went over to Zayn, “WAKE UPPPP!” I yelled in his ear.

“I’M UP!!!” Zayn screamed.

“The plane landed.” I smiled.

We all got our suitcases and hand carries off the plane. As soon as I got home I let Hubs out and plopped down onto my bed. I needed to call up Beth as soon as possible but, I was kind of too lazy to. She wanted me to see her in the bridesmaids’ dress that her sister picked out for her.

At about 12 in the afternoon, I heard a loud thud outside my door. I got up and out of bed and hopped over to my front door.

Louis was on the floor, guess he went out for a drink after we came home. I tried to pick him up and tried my best (not hurting him) to drag him to my couch.

“Sam..” He mumbled.

“I’m here Louis.” I ran my fingers through his messy hair. He looked really cute when he was asleep.

“Mm…” Louis murmured as he turned over. Just then my phone started blasting out Up All Night. I quickly ran and picked it up.

“SAAAAAM!!!” I regonized that it was Beth’s voice.

“Afternoon to you too.”

“When are you coming ‘round? I need you to see this and YOU need to go dresss shopping!!!”

“I’ll come in about 20 minutes?”

“Alright! Byeee” The line went dead and I decided to write a little note for Louis.

‘Found you outside my door drunk this afternoon. If you need anything you know where everything is. Hope you had a nice sleep xx Sam’ I looked at it then stuck it on the front door.

I gave Hubs his food and gave him a nice belly rub before I left.

Arriving at the doorstep of Beth’s house, I rang the doorbell. A lady around the age of 45 answered the door.

“Oh Sam! I haven’t seen you in so long! Look at how much you’ve grown!” She pulled me into a 2 second hug then let go of me.

“Hi Denise.” I smiled. I was pretty surprised at how I remembered Beth’s mom’s name considering I hadn’t seen her in a while.

“Come in!” She greeted me into the house and I found my way into the kitchen and Beth pulled me up into her room.

“Hey, how was your time here? Aloooone!” I laughed.

“Pretty fun, my mom and dad came to visit as you can see and my sister went all bridezilla.”

“Whoooa! Let’s hope she doesn’t lose it on the day of!”

“Haha, yep! Okay, now WAIT as I go change into my dress.” She dissapeared into the bathrom and came out a few minutes later.

She had a nice light pink ruffled strapless dress. It was really pretty. She did a little twirl, “So, what do you think?” 

“It’s beautiful.” 

“Now it’s your turn! Let me get out of this and I’ll be right with you!” She disappeared off into the washroom again then came out a few minutes later all ready to go.

“Bye Denise!” I said as Beth and I walked out the door.

“Bye sweetie, hope to see you soon!” She closed the door.

Beth and I got in the car and drove around. We went into several stores and I tried on a few dresses. None of them seemed to be what I wanted, so I didn’t actually get anything. After that I was driven home by Beth.

I unlocked my door and Hubs ran to me. I played with him for a while then found a note stuck on my bedroom door.

‘Thanks for dragging me into your flat! I had a great sleep, come ‘round mine’s when you’re home yeah? Louis xx’ 

Why not? I got changed into track pants, a t-shirt and had my hair up into a messy bun. I brought Hubs along with me, since I didn’t want to leave him alone at home. I knocked on Louis’ door.

He opened it and I went inside letting Hubs down on the floor. 

“Hey! What’s up?” I asked sitting down on the couch.

“Can I tell you something…?” He dragged on the sentence. 

“Sure, what is it?” 


quite short? i don't know.

but I hope you like it :) xx

REMEMBER I POSTED THE SUPER SHORT CHAPTER OF MY TW FANFIC go read it :D thanks bye comment & stuff xx

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