time to get away [part 55]

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Sam's POV

For a few weeks now, Liam's been in the hospital. We all thought it would be best if the boys continued the tour without Liam. Just in case the paparazzi decided to write crazy stories about us. I still hadn't coped with the fact that Liam was in the hospital though. Sometimes it would occur to me that there was a possibility he would just never wake up from his coma. 

After the tour finished, we were rushed to the airport because of some mix up we had with the flying company. Louis sat beside me apparently after he made a deal with Beth. He was nice to have around. He was always there when I was down. We didn't really talked though, I read my book while he just slept. Then I listened to some music. A few lyrics from them somehow just made me cry. I tried to sob as quietly as possible, but that didn't work out since Louis woke up.

He hushed me and made me feel comforted and told me that everything was going to be alright. He was always nice to have around.

When the plane had landed, my phone rang. 

"Hello?" I answered while getting my suitcase. 

"Sam! Thank god I got a hold of you!" I think that voice was Beatrice's.

"Oh, hi Beatrice. What's up?" 

"You're on every UK gossip magazine cover! Both you and Louis! It's everywhere! You guys need to think about how to tell the public about this! I don't think I can keep that news away from your parents." 

I dropped my bags and just ran off. I went to the closest magazine stand and saw that every cover were a picture of Louis and I 'kissing'. All of them had the same humongous word on it. CHEATING. I was absolutely devastated.

I wasn't a third wheeler. I was just talking to him. I knew that picture was taken sometime during our tour and when I flipped open the pages, there were pictures of us back when I first started out.

I don't understand. Who would do this to me at a time like this? I never meant any harm. 

I bought one off of the newspaper stand and caught a cab to go to a coffee shop. I just didn't want to talk to anyone or see anyone. I needed to be alone. The entire ride there, I just stared at the magazine with tears running down my face. 

I paid the taxi driver once we arrived and went into the coffee shop. I put the magazine in my purse and ordered a french vanilla coffee. I found a small seat in the corner and sat down. I slowly drank my coffee, still crying. I don't know what to do. Now that it's been announced practically world wide, it'll be hard to hide anything from my parents. They're probably already thinking about putting someone else in charge and making sure I stay in LA.

"That's the girl that Louis cheated on Maxine with." A girl with blonde hair, that sat at the table next to me whispered.

"Yeah, isn't she their manager?" Another one with brown asked.

"Mhm! Now that's just plain weird!" The blonde replied.

I looked over to them and they gave me disgusted looks before leaving the coffee shop. A young girl maybe about 13 came up to me and told me how horrible I was. Why. I didn't do anything wrong. 

I couldn't take it, so I ran out of the shop and into the direction of my home. I went in and just went throwing things about. I don't know what came over me, I was frustrated, sad, angry, just about every negative emotion I felt. 

Niall and Zayn popped out of nowhere and tried to ask me what's wrong. I just screamed really loudly and pushed them out the door. I locked the front door making sure they wouldn't come back in.

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