get my mind off things [part 9]

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We picked Beth up and she sat in the back in between Liam and Niall. I kept on hearing Beth giggle during the entire car ride. I could tell by that, that Liam was probably whispering to her some things. 

When we finally arrived at the interview, everyone ran out of the door while Beth and Liam just walked slowly. I walked slightly in front of them with Louis beside me.

“So how’s Hubs doing?” Louis asked.

“He’s doing fine.” I sighed. 

“What’s with the sigh?” He seemed confused.

“It’s nothing.” It was something though. The person I love is falling for my best friend and I don’t have the courage to tell him that I love him. 

“Well then come on slow poke!” 

“Haha, alright.” I laughed.

The entire interview went by fast and in no time the boys were finished. 

“That’s a wrap” I heard the interviewer say. “Thanks for coming.”

Louis walked over to me while I was watching Liam walk over to Beth, “Do you wanna do something later? Like go out for dinner?”

“Hmm? What? I’m sorry! I wasn’t paying attention.”

“I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner.” Louis repeated.

“Oh, alright. I’ll go ask the boys.” I got up and started to walk then Louis stopped me.

“I mean only us two?”

“That works too.” I smiled. Maybe this could be a good thing. It could take my mind off things. 

Everyone hopped onto the van and Harry wanted to sit in the front. I guess he couldn’t stand the sight of Liam with Beth anymore, so I toke Harry’s spot beside Louis. Of course during the entire ride back to Beth’s place Liam would continuously talk to Beth and then a giggle would follow. 

When Beth got off she gave Liam a little kiss on the cheek. My face turned from normal to devastation. I could feel goosebumps along my skin. I tried to distract myself by looking out the window. For the rest of the car ride I just stared at the window and nothing else.

Arriving at the complex, I went into my place. I gave Hubs a nice welcoming, then filled his bowl with food and water. Then I walked into my room and changed. I put something nice on and look for a pair of nice shoes.

“Are you ready?” Louis asked knocking on my front door.

“Yep!” I replied putting on my shoes and opening the door, “All ready!” I smiled.

“Alright let’s go.” I followed him to his car. 

Going Crazy - Liam P & Louis TWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt