hitting it big time! [part 26]

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I was so right! Niall was already down there in the kitchen. He was sat patiently at the island looking at the chef that was making his food in front of him. So basically our island had a stove and sink on it and it’s pretty big. The entire kitchen is like open concept. Even though we were “downstairs” you can still see the view of the ocean because this house is kinda big and has a lot of floors and stuff. 

“I see you two are hungry too.” Niall exclaimed.

“We sure are.” Liam walked over to him and sat down beside him.

Niall gave us a weird look, “Are you two…” 

“What?” I tried to act confused.

I sat down beside Liam. He toke my hand under the table and held it.


“Yep!” Liam cheered.

“I didn’t know we were telling people now..” I said quietly.

“It’s okay. I mean as long as your parents don’t find out we’re fine right?”

“I guess.” I smiled.

The only problem with saying it here is that the chef was here. If the chef heard us - which I’m sure he did - he would tell my parents and then get a raise or something. Almost everyone in the staff loved to kiss up to my parents, so if they had the opportunity to rat someone out they would.

“Here’s your chicken and potatoes sir.” The chef placed a big plate of chicken and potatoes in front of Niall. Niall stared at the dish for about a minute or two in awe. Oh Niall, you and food.

“And what is it you would like to eat?” The chef faced Liam.

“Ermm..can I just have some soup?” 

“Sure, I’ll go make it right now.” Then the chef disappeared somewhere off somewhere in the big walk-in fridge we had. Why did we even need that?

“Niall, can you share some of your food with me? I’m hungry.” I asked.

“Nope!” Niall kept on eating.

“I am your manager, need I remind you.” 

“B-but…I’m hungry.” 

“I’m joking Niall. Haha, don’t look so scared. I know your relationship with food.” Liam and I started laughing like a bunch of maniacs. 

When we finally stopped laughing I told Liam and Niall, “Okay, let’s go back upstairs and have a small rehearsal. We need to practice for the Ellen Show.” 

“Would you like me to bring up the food to you then?” The chef asked. 

“Yes please. Now come on you two!”

—————————Day of The Ellen Show——————————

After a few days of rehearsals the day to perform on the Ellen Show was here. The boys were really excited and was really nervous.

“Just pretend you’re at one of your concerts!” I told them while getting into the car. I say beside Liam, Louis was in between Niall and Harry while Zayn called shotgun. Beth isn’t here because she had to help her sister figure out wedding things.

“Hi Sam!” Ellen greeted me with a hug.

“Hi Ellen! Haven’t seen you in a while!”

“Well you did go to the UK.”

“Yea, haha. Here’s the boys, I’m sure you remember them!” The boys came and shook hands with Ellen then giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“How could I forget? They were so hilarious.”

Four of the boys followed Ellen in and Liam stayed a little behind them with me walking in.

“Sam, I’ve got a surprise for you tonight.” He whispered.

“I wonder..wanna give me any hints?”

“Nah, that’ll ruin the surprise! Now come on!” He swiped my beanie from my head and ran off.

“Hey!” I chased him around the entire studio. I finally got a hold of him when he needed to do hair and makeup.

“Gotcha.” I hugged him tight, “Now for my beanie?”

“Don’t have it.” He showed me his hands. Then I searched his pockets and found nothing.

“Where is it?” He pointed in the direction of the door, I looked over and saw Louis holding it, “You! I’m going to get you two!” I told Liam before I left.

“LOUIS!!! COME BACK HERE!” I yelled down the hallway.

“TOO BAD! CATCH ME IF YA CAN!!” He shouted back at me. Thankfully, Paul was walking and Lou bumped into him. 

I giggled to myself it was so funny! Louis looked really scared and sorry. I think I heard him peep a little sorry when I got closer to him.

“Don’t run.” Paul told Louis sternly.

“Alright.” Louis turned around and saw me standing there.

Now can I have my beanie back?” He nodded and gave it to me.


this long or short? idk :P 

anyways HAVE FUN ;Dxx

hope you like it :)x 

picture of the kitchen is off to the side :)x

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