i must be in heaven 'cause i'm looking at an angel [part 23]

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I woke up on my pillow and sounds of water running in the bathroom. Then it stopped and out came a really hot looking Liam with a towel around him. His hair was still a bit wet and there was a few droplets of water still lingering on his chest too. Oh goodness, could he have looked any better? 

“Morning beautiful.” He came over and gave me a kiss.

“Morning.” I smiled.

“Are we going to spend the day packing today?” He asked walking back into the bathroom. 

“Yep, and making sure you boys know the itinerary when we land in the states.”

“So we’re not alone?” He came out with a t-shirt and some pants and pouted.

“We will be. Kind of. When we pack!” I got up off the bed and pushed him towards my kitchen, “Now I’m hungry and I want some breakfast please.” I pulled my best innocent smile I could possibly do.

“Okay! Haha, go and get the boys to discuss the itinerary? I want to do this as soon as possible, so I can spend the rest of the day with you.” He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and kissed my neck. 

I patted his head and went out the door. I knocked on Niall’s door and Louis answered it.

“Morning love.” He sounded really tired and had a scratchy like voice.

“MORNING!” I screamed in his ear and walked through the door. 

I went towards Niall’s bedroom door and knocked on it really loudly.

“Whhaat…” Niall came out of his room scratching his head and he sounded tired too.

“Be ready in 10 minutes! We got to discuss the itinerary for when we’re at the states.” I walked out and said good bye to Louis and marched upstairs to Harry and Zayn’s place.

I knocked on Zayn’s place first and told him to get ready and be at my place in 10 and the same with Harry.

I went back to my place and walked inside with the nice smell of pancakes. 

“I smell pancakes Liam!” I rushed over to the kitchen.

“You guessed it!” He brought a fork over to my mouth with a small piece of pancake on it.

“Mmm, that’s good. When’s it ready to be eaten?” 

“Soon.” He smiled and ushered me back into the living room.

I decided to give Hubs his breakfast and play around with him while I waited for Chef Liam to finish making my breakfast.

Around 15 minutes passed and I heard a knock on the door. “I’ll get it!” I yelled to Liam still in the kitchen.

“Why hello there boys.” I greeted them and they all came in.

Niall rushed into the kitchen because he had smelt the pancakes cooking while the rest of the boys played around with Hubs.

“So when are we going to discuss the itinerary?” Zayn asked. 

“When Liam finishes the pancakes, we can eat breakfast and talk about it!” I replied.

Niall came walking out of the kitchen after I finished and had two plates with pancakes. Liam came out behind him with a bottle of maple syrup.

Niall placed one of the plates down in the middle while the other one in front of him.

“What?! Niall gets ONE WHOLE PLATE?” Harry pouted.

“Nope, he gets half of that plate and we share the rest!” Liam said and taking half the pancakes off of Niall’s plate.

“You forgot something.” I laughed and walked into the kitchen then coming out with plates and forks, enough for everyone.

After I handed the plates and forks out, I sat down and was ready to eat. Liam gave me a few slices of pancakes. I was actually confused as to why, but when I looked at the plate in the middle I understood. It was empty.

“Thanks.” I whispered in his ear.

“No problem.” 

“So what’s going on in the states?” Louis asked.

I explained all the details as to where they’re going to stay, what interviews and tv appearances they’re going to do, when they’re going to leave, etc.

After the long talk, I told the boys to get ready so we could leave and be ready. All of them went out except for Liam.

“C’mon! It’s time to pack!” I pulled Liam with me into my room.


so this week, i have no time to write...

1. I have a super big test to do in order to pass highschool


3. loads of homework to do -.- 



^My Nath & Tom fanfic :P  


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