you can only choose one [part 7]

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While we were waiting for the boys to finish their photoshoot Beth and I had some best friend bonding time.

“So Sam, I have some news for you!” Beth said excitedly.

“What is it? You seem really happy.” 

“Well, it’s nothing to be happy about. I just kind of think I might be falling for Liam. He’s so, I don’t even know if I can describe. Everything about him really.”

Oh, great. Beth likes him too. I don’t know why but back when we were younger most of the boys chose her over me. All the boys would be lining up to her boyfriend while I just stand there, watching her get all the love. I don’t blame her but I didn’t want it to happen this time.  

“Oh Beth, you always do know how to pick boys.” I faked a smile so she couldn’t see the hurt I was feeling inside.

“Do you think I should tell him? I mean I always tell boys this but this time it’s just a little different.”

“Well, if you don’t tell him you’re never going to know. You always get an answer that you like anyways. Go for it!” What am I doing? I didn’t want Beth to get Liam. Oh, why am I so stupid.

During their little break time Harry came over and listened in on our conversation. 

“So what are you two talking about?” He grinned.

“Just the usual.” Beth replied and went over to Liam. I could see Harry’s happy expression turn into sadness. I could feel inside me, I was breaking apart. 

“What’s Beth doing?” Harry asked with a frown.

“She told me she likes Liam and I think she’s telling him.” I tried to break the news to him as gently as possible. 

Beth came back and sat down beside me. “So how’d it go?” I asked.

“He said he needs time.” Beth didn’t really sound sad, it seemed like she was prepared for what Liam was going to tell her.

“BOYS! BREAK’S OVER!” The photographer shouted.

“I need to ask you something later.” Harry whispered in my ear. I replied with a nod.

After the photoshoot was finished we all hopped onto the van. First stop was Beth’s place. Everyone said bye and the driver continued to our complex.

“Harry do you wanna come over?” I asked while stopping at my door.


I opened my door and was greeted by Hubs, “Hello there baby! I’ve missed you” Hubs gave me a few licks and carried his bowl to me.

“Oh, you’re hungry boy? Alright wait a sec. Harry make yourself at home while I go and get Hubs bowl filled!”

I filled Hubs bowl with some food and water and brought it over to Hubs. “Here boy!” Hubs ran over and started eating

“Aww, I was just starting to have fun!” Harry groaned.

“Come on Harry! What’s bothering you? I know it has to do with Beth.”

“Well you’re her best friend, so I’m guessing you know her well. I want to somehow show her that I love her.”

“Well don’t give HUGE HINTS, like do subtle things. She likes boys who makes her wonder what they’re doing. Soo umm, maybe something like try to hang out with her more but never just you two alone. You could also once in a while get her a pack or two of Skittles. Her last boyfriend bought her a pack of skittles everyday and he asked her out with a year’s supply of it! You shouldn’t do that though, think of something creative to expreeesss your loove.” I smiled.

“Alright, I’m going to have to think about what to do. Thanks Sam!” Harry gave me a hug and went over to the door. He opened it and there stood Liam. 

“Hi mate! Bye!” Harry left and Liam came in.

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