spending the day with louis [part 33]

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“What’s the colour of your dress?” Louis finally said after quite a long pause.

“I didn’t pick it out yet.”

“Oh really? Wanna go pick something out now?” He grabbed me by my hand and lifted me off of the couch.

“Where are we going?!” I asked while he was dragging me to the door.

“To pick out a dress of course!” He smiled and picked Hubs up.

“Not when I’m look like this we’re not!” I made a face and dashed out the door and into my place.

I quickly looked for something not too fancy and nothing too relaxed. I picked up Hubs’ leash and walked out the door. As I went to lock my door and turned around, I bumped into Louis.

“Oof! Watch where you’re going!” He held Hubs’ paw and playfully punched me.

“Ow! That hurt!” I joked, “Come on Hubs, we’re going for a walk.”

Louis let him on the floor and I put the leash on him. We walked out the door and around town. Luckily most stores were getting new arrivals which meant I would be able to look at different dresses than I had with Beth.

“How about this one?” Louis waved a blue halter dress in front of me.

“Uhh…no. It doesn’t look nice” I toke it from him and put it back.

“Oh come on! You look nice in everything!”

“Do not.” I picked out a nice silver dress and showed Louis, “This one?”


“This one it is!” I smiled really happily. I handed the leash over to Louis and went to pay for the dress.

I came out of the store with Louis and Hubs skipping about. Then I realized I didn’t have a clutch to match the dress.

“Oh shit. I don’t have a clutch to match with this dress!”

“Then let’s go get it!” He seemed pretty enthusiastic about going shopping with me. It was nice.

After countless hours I finally found the right clutch to match with my dress. Louis insisted on paying for it so I let him. While going back home, we passed Zayn and his new girlfriend. He saw us and came over.

“Hi guys!” He waved with his empty hand. The other one was wrapped around the girl’s waist.

“Hi Zayn and mystery girl.” Louis sounded quite childish saying that.

“Her name’s Beatrice Christian.”

“Hi. Nice to meet you! I think I’ve seen you before!” She said.

“Who me?” I asked.

“Yeah, you went out with Cody right?”

“Umm, yeah.” I said awkwardly.

“I’m his sister! You probably haven’t seen me before, he just mentions you a lot and I see pictures of you.”

“Oh, haha. Well you’re suppose to be in LA studying right?”

“Yep! I actually ha-” She got cut off by Zayn.

“She’s my plus one to the wedding!” He defended.

“Let’s leave these two lovebirds alone. Byeee.” Louis sang.

We walked off and continued into the complex. As I let Hubs into my place and turned around to say good bye to Louis, all of a sudden he came close to me. Like really close. We were face to face, I could feel his breath on me. He stared at me for a good 5 seconds then leaned in closer to kiss me.

I quickly pushed him away. What was he doing? What’s happening? Why did he do that? Before I let him explain, I was inside and I quickly closed the door on him. I peeped through the eye hole & he just stood there, looking disappointed and walked off.

I kind of felt guilty that I did that to him. Louis is geniunely a really nice person and he should find someone that’s not me.


hope you liked it :D x 
leave any suggestions or feedback please :) x
have a nice day xx 

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