birthday time! [part 39]

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"It's time to get up in the morning." Niall softly began to sang.

"In the morning..." Beth continued.

"In the morning!" Liam hit a high note.

"Got MacDonald's breakfast for you." Niall sang again.

"Just for you!" Liam came over and kissed me. I moved him away. I wanted to sleep.

"We drove two miles to get it." Niall started to sing a bit louder.

"So you better get up and eat it." Liam sang louder as well.

Then a long pause of silence. Of course after that it wasn't good.

All three of them then yelled, "So we gotta get up!!!!! Time to get uuupp!!!! It's time to geeet uuup!!!!!" They all jumped onto the bed and yelled some more. This time in unison, "IT'S. TIME. TO. GET. UP.!!!!"

Niall went a little bit softer again, "It's time to get uuupp..."

The song ended with them singing in unison and possibly harmony, "It's time to get up." Thank goodness that's over. I covered myself with the blanket and attempted to go back to sleep.

"TIME TO GET UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Harry suddenly jumped onto my bed and yelled.

"Go awayy.." I moaned. I wanted my sleep.

"No. Come on love, we have to prepare things before Louis wakes up." Liam's head was in the covers. I opened my eyes and saw his head rested on the side of the bed. He smiled then kissed me.

I reluctantly got up and went to do the morning routine. After I finished with all that I joined everyone but Louis in the big living room. 

We went to this big house, mansion thingy in the country for Christmas. When we arrived last night, we were all pretty tired because we drove quite a long time to get here. We had to drive in the middle of the night too just to avoid any fans following us up here. 

"Mmm, I smell something goooood!" I walked in and plopped myself down on the comfy couch. I stared at the big Christmas tree we had and how it was all decorated.

This mansion, is another one of my parents' property. The maids had decorated the whole place all Christmas-y before they were relived of their duties for their Christmas break.

"Yep, Harry made pancakes!" Liam clapped his hands together.

"So what are we doing for Louis?" I looked at everyone else in the room.

"We're going to kind of surprise him or scare him. We're thinking about  hiding and when he's down here we say surprise happy birthday, something like that." Maxine smiled.

When we heard footsteps start to emerge from the staircase we all hid behind couches, the tree, chairs and under the table. Louis stepped into the living room looking all confused. He toke 3 steps forward.


"You guys had me there!" Harry went up to Louis and slapped a pancake into his face. We all just burst into laughter. These two are just way too hilarious. 

Maxine stopped the pancake fight between the two saving us 5 pancakes to share amongst each other. After we finished the pancakes, Niall came out with the McDonald's breakfast they bought. While eating McD's we all gave Louis his birthday present. 

Louis got a pair of TOMS from Zayn & Beatrice, pair of carrot PJs from Niall, Playdoh from Harry & Beth, a soccer ball with David Beckham's signature on it from Liam and I apparently. Lastly, Maxine had given him a simple kiss and a new jacket. 

By midday everyone wanted to go and ski. I didn't really feel like skiing and luckily Liam didn't want to as well so we stayed inside with hot chocolate. 

"How about we do a twitcam?" Liam suggested taking out his Macbook. 

"Alright!" I watched Liam open twitter up and tweet. He then opened up twitcam and started broadcasting it. 

"Hellooooo 100 viewers." He waved to the camera, "Ohh, we're rising pretty fast! We're at 20 thousand viewers already! You guys are incrediable." 

I popped my head in, "Anyone got any questions?" I went off to the side to read people's comments. A lot of them were really happy to see me. Some were asking how the holiday went so I picked that question for Liam to start.

"It's been pretty good actually! We just celebrated Louis' birthday, gave him a good scare. Yeah, it's been pretty good." 

For some reason he had his snapback batman cap on so I toke it off of him and put it on me.

"Don't I look so much better than him?" I smiled fixing the cap.

"No, she doesn't." He toke it off my head and put it back onto his.

"Oh please, everyone says it loooks good." 

"Shhh, so has anyone got any ideas about what we should write about next for our next song. Hashtag 1D song ideas and see if we can get it trending! GO!" Liam seemed pretty amused with his twitcam. Haha, he's so cute.

The twitcam lasted for about 2 hours. It consisted of him attempting to teach me how to beatbox and do a kazoo noise, showing the world his flashing toothbrush (again), played with Louis' playdoh to play "charades" and trending a lot of weird things.

"And we're BACK!" Niall said with his announcer voice.

"Welcome back guys!" I shouted. 

"Who's cooking dinner?" Harry asked putting away their ski equipment.

"All the girls are." Louis said happily.

"Uh no." Maxine playfully hit Louis in the arm. 

"I'm no good at cooking, just putting that out there." Beatrice said.

"Alright, come on we gotta start cooking or we'll never have any food by the time it's dinner time." I got up and went into the kitchen with Beth, Beatrice, Maxine and oddly Harry.


hope you like it :) x 

sorry it toke so long to update xP  

it's pretty long haha, & the morning song is over to the side

(happy birthday steph ;) x)  

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