finding Sam [part 57]

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It's been about 6 months since I got out of the hospital, 8 months since I last hung out with Sam and no body has seen her since that day I woke up. Louis and I have made up, we both agreed to never let something like that get in the way of our relationship ever again. 

Maxine has disappeared as well 3 months after I was out of the hospital. She and Louis had a huge fight about the magazines and their relationship. She broke up with him afterwards. He was quite broken up when she did. We were all there for him. It was a rough patch, but we got through it.

After the day I sent out the text to Sam I never got a reply. A few months after I had woken up, her parents - our boss - told us to change our numbers. Everyone had to. We did as they told and didn't question a thing. I still text Sam's number once in a while just hoping one day I'll get a reply. 

Now Beth was in charge of us. She had hired a new assistant manager to help her out. Her name was Cassandra. She was a really nice girl. She had brown hair with emerald green eyes. She was pretty short as well, we all teased her because of her height, of course it was just all banter. She was a relatively shy girl. She never spoke much to us except for Niall. As time went on, she got more comfortable talking to us I guess and talked a bit more.

Niall fancied her and started dating her just a month ago. They were a cute couple. None of us has ever seen Niall so loving, sweet and romantic towards any girl. Louis and I both stayed single. Well if you count having a girlfriend that's disappeared on you for 8 months means that you've broken up that is. 

We never found out who gave those pictures to paps. It was still left a mystery. 


"Liam, catch!" Louis shouted from across the room. He threw one of Hubs' tennis balls at me and I caught it. Hubs came running over to me and licked me. He wanted the tennis ball but he wasn't going to get it. 

"No, sit boy." I said sternly. He whined a little but he still gave in and sat down. "Now that's a good boy. Okay, go fetch!" I threw the ball into his traveling cage and luckily it went right in! Louis locked it and gave some treats to Hubs through the holes. 

"Well, we're gonna have to go now Liam." He picked Hubs' cage up and walked over to the door. 

For the past few months we cleaned up our entire complex because we were going to move into just one big house. I was going to miss this place.

"Come on boys!" Paul said as we left the flat.

"I thought we were going to drive our own cars." Zayn looked confused.

"No, we had them already driven to your new house. If you each individually drove there it would be really easy for anyone to follow you and later find out about where you live." Paul explained with a serious face on.

"It's for the safety of you boys." Beth smiled, "Now please go into the van." She pointed to the open door.

"Fine." Harry pouted and walked to the van.

 It was a pretty short drive. It was surprisingly only 30 minutes away from our old flat. 

"We're here!" Our driver, Larry announced.

"Thanks Lair!" Niall said as we got off the van.

"Not bad." Louis nodded with a satisfied face. 

"It's pretty nice." I said smiling.

"Now boys, you can't go in just yet. Once you do you'll cause chaos and fight each other for rooms." Paul told us.

"But Pauuuuul! We can't just stay out here foreverrrr." Louis whined.

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