what in the world happened? [part 35]

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Liam's POV

By the look on Sam's face I know I've made her happy. 

"This is really sweet." She said and wrapped her hands around my neck then kissed me. Her lips tasted like strawberries. I guess she had lipbalm on. 

"Now sit down on the grass." I told her.

We both sat down on the cloth that was laid out. It was kind of like a picnic but it was at night. I toke out a basket and handed her a sandwich. We talked about Xtra Factor, how I would beat her in everything, her parents, the wedding and us. She was really beautiful under the night sky. Her eyes kind of sparkled. She kept on biting her lip the entire night. 

"Let's go to a bar." She suggested.

"You know I don't drink." I said finishing up my sandwich.

 "Come onnnn." 

Something was kind of off about her. She never asked me to go to bars with her unless it was with the rest of the boys. She seemed a little off herself too. I just don't know what.

"We can go. Only if you agree to not drink so much." I told her starting to clean up the stuff.

"Alright." She jumped up and pulled me up. She hugged me tightly then let go. She's been doing that a lot these past two days. 

After we packed everything up I drove her to the bar closest to our flat, just in case she got too drunk. In the bar we saw Zayn and his girlfriend. They were pretty happy, dancing, drinking and they were all over each other.

Sam sat at the bar and ordered drinks non-stop, I tried to tell her she shouldn't do that but she just kept on drinking and drinking. Something's really up. I mean people only drink this much is because of two reasons. One to celebrate something and two if they were really sad. I'm guessing it's the second one because we had nothing to celebrate.

After about a dozen drinks and 10 shots she was really drunk. I decided to take her home and also take Zayn and his girlfriend home as well. I phoned Louis telling him to wait outside for us to come home. 

"Hey mate, can you take Sam? I need to help Zayn and his girlfriend up to his flat." I told Louis while I was getting out of the car.

"Sure thing." Louis toke Sam out and brought her inside.

Louis' POV

"Hey mate, can you take Sam? I need to help Zayn and his girlfriend up to his flat." Liam said as he got out of the car.

"Sure thing." I toke Sam out and into her flat.

"Mmm...I'm sorry Liam." She groaned.

"I'm Louis babe." I whispered as I put her on the bed.

"Comereee" She slurred. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me down on top of her. She started to kiss me, I gave in and did the same. Everything was just perfect.

She sat on top of me still had her lips on mine and started to take off my clothes. She ran her fingers down my body and into my pants.

"Youaveee quiite the body there." She winked.

"Shut up and kiss me." I pulled her down close to me and the rest is history.

Sam's POV

I woke up the next day having a huge hangover. What the hell did I drink last night? I walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen half asleep and half awake. Boy it was cold this morning. I opened the fridge and searched for my orange juice.

Then I realized what I was wearing. I was wearing just my bra and panties. What? I guess, something happened after I went to the bar with Liam. I poured some juice into a mug and walked back into my room. 

Surprisingly I saw a butt naked Louis Tomlinson standing in the middle of the room. Okay, hold up. So what exactly happened last night and why is Louis standing in my room completely naked?

 "Morning babe." He smiled and came over to kiss me on my forehead. 

"Uhh...morning Lou..."

"I'm going to get changed." He walked over into my bathroom and closed the door.

"And I'm going to digest what the fuck just happened." I whispered to myself. 

My phone vibrated and I quickly went over to see what happened.

Baaatman Liam :D

'Morning beautiful, hope you had a good night's rest. x'

'thanks babe, i did :) xx'

'i can't wait to see you in that dress you bought :D x'

'right today's beth's sister's big day! :O & i can't wait to see you in your suit ;) xx'

I threw my phone onto my bed and sat down. Louis came out smiling abnoramally. I mean it's just really creepy in a way. All he's been doing is smiling.

"See you tonight in that dress I picked out for you." He winked and walked out my room.

"Wait! Louis!" I needed to ask him what happened exactly.

"Yes babe?" He turned around to face me.

"What exactly happened last night?" I asked.

"You honestly don't know?" He seemed to be completely disappointed.

"No, I'm sorry." 

"Well, let's say we had a really fun night." He winked and walked out of my place.

Ohhhhhhhhh shit. Did I sleep with him? Oh my god. What's wrong with me? Okay, I gotta keep my cool when I talk to Liam or he'll know somethings up. Acccckk! Now I feel guilty as ever. I can't do this to Liam. He's a really, nice, honest, amazing, adoralbe, lovable and loyal boy I've met in my life. I can't stand to see him sad. 

Now for some reason I was craving more of the kisses from Louis. I started to remember things from last night. Mmm, it was good. Uh no. What am I thinking? This isn't right. Arrggg! Keep my distance from Louis and it'll be all good.

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