starting to feel again [part 5]

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Louis, Liam and Beth stayed behind. The four of us played cards, spilled some secrets and then slept till morning.

Soon, the morning sun hit my face, I found myself sleeping on the couch. I got up and went to check on Hubs.

I went over to Hubs and stroked his soft fur. “Good morning. You hungry boy?” He gave a loud bark. I went to the kitchen cupboards and poured his food in the bowl.

I gave a little whistle, “Hubs! Time to eat.”

Like I said, I don’t have a lot of friends so today I was basically alone at home because there’s only something scheduled for the next few weeks. They’re recording their new single and album. 

I decided to just stay home and watch some television. Since I just moved to London I didn’t know what was on so I flicked the tv on and searched through the channels. There were some relatively good shows on, even though I had no idea what the story plot was. 

At about 2 in the afternoon, there was a knock on my door. I got up and off the couch to go and open the door.

“Hello Sam!” Liam gave a big smile.

“Hi Liam! What’s up?” 

“Do you want to do a twitcam with me today at my place? I promised my fans that I’d do one but Andy isn’t here. I’m baking a cake!” 

“Haha, alright. I’ll be at yours in a few, I just need to put something decent on.” I closed the door and ran up to my room. 

Since I wasn’t really seeing anyone special or going out, I decided to wear something simple. I found a solid pink v-neck and an Eiffel tower necklace. I then put on my skinny jeans. Being the lazy old me, I just left my place with my Pikachu slippers on and knocked on his door.

“There you are! Come in.” Liam opened the door wide and smiled.

He smiled a lot and his smiles were really nice ones too. I walked inside and walked over to his kitchen. 

“Lazy?” Liam followed and pointed at my slippers.

“Haha, yeah. So where’s the stuff? There’s nothing in your kitchen.” 

“I didn’t get it out yet! Don’t worry.” He went over to the cupboards and toke a few things out, then over to the fridge and toke food out. 

“I’ll get your computer ready!”

“Alright, it’s on the table by the couches.” 

I walked over to the couch and brought his laptop over to the kitchen. I put it on the island he had and opened up the twitter and tweeted, ‘Twitcam in 10 minutes!’ 

When Liam was prepping the stuff I could kind of sense him looking over at me from time to time. I don’t know if I should feel creeped out or be happy about it because the last time someone did that they were just a little bit abnormal.

After 10 minutes, Liam was finished prepping and he started the twitcam. He introduced me to everyone first because no one knew who I was. He answered a few questions and started the making process of the cake with me. It was a lot of fun, even though it got a bit messy at times.

Boy, did time fly by fast because before I knew it we were icing the cake. I put icing on his nose, which made him slap some onto my face. Soon after we finished, Liam said bye to his fans and turned the twitcam off.

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